Sales Data ETL Pipeline


This project aims to build an Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) pipeline to extract sales data from a MySQL database, transform it, and load it into Google BigQuery using DBT (Data Build Tool). The ETL pipeline consolidates sales data into a fact table named fact_sales, providing a comprehensive view of sales transactions for analysis and reporting purposes using star schema.


The primary objective of this ETL pipeline is to:

  • Aggregate sales data from multiple source tables in a MySQL database.
  • Transform the data to prepare it for analysis, including standardizing date formats and aggregating sales metrics.
  • Load the transformed data into Google BigQuery for further analysis and reporting.

Data Source

The data source for this project is a MySQL database containing tables related to sales transactions. The relevant tables include:

  • orderdetails
  • orders
  • customers
  • employees
  • offices
  • payments

ETL Process


The ETL pipeline extracts sales data from the MySQL database using SQL queries.


The extracted data is transformed to meet the following objectives:

  • Standardize date formats to YYYY-MM-DD for uniformity.
  • Aggregate sales metrics such as total sales amount, quantity ordered, etc.
  • Perform data cleansing and validation as necessary.


The transformed data is loaded into Google BigQuery tables for analysis and reporting.

Tools Used

  • MySQL: Data source for sales data.
  • Google BigQuery: Destination for transformed data storage and analysis.
  • DBT (Data Build Tool): Used for data ingestion and transformation, providing a powerful SQL-based interface for defining data transformation logic.