
Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


This is a reimplementation of the serial execution (not the parallel) (and not restricted to left or right-maximal motifs) algorithm (ACME / CAST Motifs Extraction) proposed in:

Sahli, Majed, Essam Mansour, and Panos Kalnis. "ACME: A scalable parallel system for extracting frequent patterns from a very long sequence." The VLDB Journal 23.6 (2014): 871-893.


Taha, A., S. A. Mazen, and I. M. A. Helal, "IFPS-RPA: Interface-based Frequent Pattern Segmentation for Robotic Process Automation", 2023 Intelligent Methods, Systems, and Applications (IMSA): IEEE, pp. 610–615, 2023.


Download the most recent “library package” and extract its contents.

  • SeqAn - Source Archives and Packages (2.4.0 works good) put the extracted contets at /usr/local so they are available system-wide and automatically found by your program (the method we chose to run SeqAn)
  • Boost via sudo apt install libboost-all-dev
  • CMake for installation


cd build;
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..;
cd ..;


sh build.sh;


Run test script:

sh test.sh;


Find and print all approximate motifs (output: motif : frequency : [list of occurrences]) of inputfilename.txt having minimum frequency 2 (at least 2 occurrences in inputfilename) and maximum distance 1 (the approximate matches are at most hamming distance 1 from the motif) from the motif.

./build/ACME -i test/test_sequence.txt -f 2 -d 1

For more information:

./build/ACME -h


  • Jonas Spenger


  • This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


  • The software was developed as part of the Bachelor's thesis in 2017 at Humboldt University of Berlin.