
Primary LanguagePython


IntroInstallationUsageRunning HaxUnitFunctions


HaxUnit combines multiple active and passive subdomain enumeration tools and port scanning tools with vulnerability discovery tools.

For each subdomain enumeration tool you'll be prompted to add the new discovered subdomains to the list.
If you see unrelated subdomains you can decline and you'll be asked again with only subdomains of the same domain as the input.

If you don't want to be asked to add the domains you can use the -y parameter.




  • python3 (>=3.8)
  • go (>=1.17)
  • unzip (used until I implement go get soon to install tools)
  • docker

You can install Acunetix by uncommenting self.install_acunetix()

Clone repository, install python requirements and automatically install all tools:

git clone https://github.com/Bandit-HaxUnit/haxunit
cd haxunit
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 main.py --install

Post Installation Instructions


Subfinder will work after using the installation instructions however to configure Subfinder to work with certain services, you will need to have setup API keys.
More info


The WPScan CLI tool uses the WordPress Vulnerability Database API to retrieve WordPress vulnerability data in real time.

For WPScan to retrieve the vulnerability data an API token must be supplied via the --wpscan-api-token parameter.

You can also set it as environment variable in by renaming .env.example to .env and filling in your API key.

An API token can be obtained by registering an account on WPScan.com.


Not available yet - the installation is easy however.


usage: main.py [-h] [-d DOMAIN] [-m MODE] [-v VERBOSE] [-b BIN] [-is ISERVER] [-it ITOKEN] [-acu ACUNETIX] [-y YES] [-u UPDATE] [-i] [-r RESOLVERS]
               [--wpscan-api-token WPSCAN_API_TOKEN]


optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d DOMAIN, --domain DOMAIN the website to recon: example.com
  -m MODE, --mode MODE  you can set to scan `quick` or `extensive`
  -v VERBOSE, --verbose VERBOSE print more information
  -b BIN, --bin BIN     set which python bin to use
  -is ISERVER, --iserver ISERVER interactsh server url for self-hosted instance
  -it ITOKEN, --itoken ITOKEN authentication token for self-hosted interactsh server
  -acu ACUNETIX, --acunetix ACUNETIX
  -y YES, --yes YES     yes to all
  -u UPDATE, --update UPDATE update all tools
  -i, --install         install all tools
  -r RESOLVERS, --resolvers RESOLVERS dnsx - list of resolvers to use (file or comma separated)
  --wpscan-api-token WPSCAN_API_TOKEN The WPScan API Token to display vulnerability data

Running HaxUnit

Run a scan on example.com

python3 main.py -d example.com

Results are saved in scans/example.com/timestamp/

Using Acunetix

HaxUnit uses Acunetix's REST API to automatically create groups and start scans.
You can select to scan all found subdomains or only the main domain.

To generate an API key go to https://localhost:3443/#/profile

Pass this API key to -acu like the following:

python3 main.py -d example.com -acu 2940ad8c0a5b3df4d7028d5f3c06e936c0a42bb5a50d24c69a64e81cd21d62b12

You can also set it as environment variable in .env



Function Type Description
sonar_search Subdomain discovery Use omnisint (FDNS) to search for other TLD's with same name
dnsx_subdomains Subdomain discovery Use dnsx to find subdomains and brute force subdomains
subfinder Subdomain discovery Use subfinder to find subdomains
gau_unfurl Subdomain discovery Gather all URL's on the list of subdomains and parse the domain using unfurl
ripgen Subdomain discovery Generate and test subdomain permutations
dnsx_ips Get IP addresses Use dnsx to fetch A records
sonar_reverse_dns Subdomain discovery Find subdomains using reverse dns search from omnisint (FDNS)
nrich Port scan + Subdomain discovery Faster alternative to active port scanning to naabu
naabu Port scan + Subdomain discovery Run naabu on the list of subdomains using list of common ports to discover HTTP services
httpx Subdomain list validation Check all found subdomains if they are active
wpscan Vulnerability discovery WordPress Security Scanner
acunetix Vulnerability discovery Automatically creates a group for the site and starts scans of the subdomains to find vulnerabilities
nuclei Vulnerability discovery Uses all found active subdomains to search for vulnerabilities




Huge shoutout to https://github.com/projectdiscovery for all their amazing tools.