
CipherVPN is an Android VPN client based on the OpenVPN Android Client project, This app allows users to connect to a virtual private network on their Android devices, providing an added layer of security and privacy when browsing the internet.

Primary LanguageKotlin


CipherVPN is an Android VPN client based on the OpenVPN Android Client project, This app allows users to connect to a virtual private network (VPN) on their Android devices, providing an added layer of security and privacy when browsing the internet.

How It Works

CypherVPN enables users to establish a secure VPN tunnel between their device and the server. This encrypted tunnel passes all data through a secure channel, providing protection against hackers, surveillance, and other online threats. CypherVPN also allows users to change their virtual location, masking their real IP address and providing access to geo-restricted content.


The application is designed as a single-activity app and implements the MVVM architecture, following the guidelines provided here.

Used Libraries