
NPM Library for crypte and store data in local or session store in the browser

Primary LanguageTypeScript


This library was generated with Angular CLI version 14.2.10. to store data (string, object or array of objects) in local stores or the session store with crypto-js package

Table of Contents


import { StorageModule } from 'ng-cryptostore';

  declarations: [
  imports: [
    // ( localStorage | sessionStorage | cookies )
    StorageModule.withConfig({ storageType: "localStorage" })
  providers: [...],
  bootstrap: [...]
export class AppModule { }

Imports and injections

import { StorageService } from 'ng-cryptostore';

  selector: 'app-root',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']
export class AppComponent implements OnInit {

  constructor(private store:StorageService){} // <---- dependency injection (DI)

  ngOnInit(): void {

All Functions

set(name: string, data: any, secret?: string): Promise<void>;
get(name: string, secret?: string): any;
asyncGet(name: string, secret?: string): Promise<any>;
getEncrypted(name: string): any
remove(name: string): void;
check(name: string): boolean;
getItemLength(name: string, secret?: string): Promise<number>;
clearAll(): void;
crypt(data: any, secret?: string): Promise<any>;
decrypt(scripts: string, secret?: string): Promise<any>;


(method) set(name: string, data: any, secret?: string): Promise

method 'set' store the data for example :

// store array of objects encrypted
const fruitsArray = [
  { name: "fraise", icons: "🍓" },
  { name: "banana", icons: "🍌" },
this.store.set("fruitsArray", fruitsArray);

// store object encrypted
this.store.set("fruit", { name: "orange", icons: "🍊" });

// store string encrypted
this.store.set("strings", "fruits: orange,fraise,banana and ...");

// store numbers encrypted
this.store.set("numbers", 1234567892121);

(method) get(name: string, secret?: string): any

method 'get' read the data for example :

// get fruits array decrypted
console.log(this.store.get("fruitsArray")); //  [{…}, {…}]

// get fruit object decrypted
console.log(this.store.get("fruit")); //  {…}

// get fruit strings decrypted
console.log(this.store.get("strings")); //  fruits: orange,fraise,banana and ...

// get numbers decrypted
console.log(this.store.get("numbers")); //  1234567892121

// in case the item does not exist
console.log(this.store.get("this_item_does_not_exist")); //  ""

(method) asyncGet(name: string, secret?: string): Promise

method 'asyncGet' read the data with promise for example :

// get data decrypted
this.store.asyncGet("fruitsArray").then((res) => {
  console.log(res); // [{…}, {…}]

// Or

// get data decrypted
console.log(await this.store.asyncGet("fruitsArray")); // [{…}, {…}]

(method) getEncrypted(name: string): any

method 'getEncrypted' read the data for example :

// get data encrypted
console.log(this.store.getEncrypted("fruitsArray")); // U2FsdGVkX18lKfMIr8dpIGGLy...

(method) check(name: string): boolean

method 'check' check the existence of the key and the value for example :

// check if this item exist, if exist return true
console.log(this.store.check("fruit")); // true or false

(method) remove(name: string): void

method 'remove' remove one item by name for example :


(method) clearAll(): void

method 'clearAll' remove all items for example :


(method) getItemLength(name: string, secret?: string): Promise

method 'getItemLength' decrypt and get length for example :

console.log(this.store.getItemLength("fruit")); // 21

(method) crypt(data: any, secret?: string): Promise

method 'crypt' return data encrypted for example :

const data = [
  { name: "fraise", icons: "🍓" },
  { name: "banana", icons: "🍌" },

console.log(await this.store.crypt(data)); // U2FsdGVkX18lKfMIr8dpIGGLy...

(method) decrypt(scripts: string, secret?: string): Promise

method 'decrypt' return data decrypted for example :

const dataEncrypted = "U2FsdGVkX18lKfMIr8dpIGGLy...";

console.log(await this.store.decrypt(dataEncrypted)); // [{ name: "fraise", icons: "🍓" },{ name: "banana", icons: "🍌"}]


the secret is optional but if you used a custom secret in setItem you need to store it somewhere to use it later in getItem

// set data encrypted with token !secret token @123456
  [{ name: "orange", icons: "🍊" }],
  "!secret token @123456"

// get data using token "!secret token @123456"

this.store.asyncGet("fruits", "!secret token @123456").then((res) => {
  console.log(res); // [{…}]

console.log(this.store.get("fruits", "!secret token @123456")); //  [{…}, {…}]

console.log(this.store.getItemLength("fruit", "!secret token @123456")); // 1