
Responsive & modifiable grid system.

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT


  1. Link to haiakel.min.css in your HTML document <head> :
<link rel="stylesheet" href="haiakel.min.css">

Now, you have Haikal in your Project.

How to use:

  • All classes in Haiakel start with h letter, (You can change it in haiakel.scss file):


    <div class="container">
      <div class="h-small-12 h-medium-6 h-large-4">
        // Your Element 1
      <div class="h-small-12 h-medium-6 h-large-4">
        // Your Element 2
  • There are 3 different sizes in Haiakel :

Device Tag Breakpoint Class (x = Column Size)
small < 576px h-small-x
medium < 992px h-medium-x
large > 992px h-large-x
  • You can remove gutter (space between columns) by add t-no-gutter class to column or container or container-fluid or row :


``` HTML
// Remove gutter to all elements in container
<div class="container h-no-gutter">
  <div class="h-small-12 h-medium-6 h-large-4"></div>

// Remove gutter to all elements in row
<div class="row t-no-gutter">
  <div class="h-small-12 h-medium-6 h-large-4"></div>

// Remove gutter to special element
<div class="h-small-12 h-medium-6 h-large-4 h-no-gutter"></div>
  • Or remove gutter to special device size (h-small-no-gutter, h-medium-no-gutter, h-large-no-gutter) :


    <div class="h-small-12 h-small-no-gutter h-medium-6 h-large-4"></div>
  • Offset & pull & push h-x-offset-y, h-x-pull-y, h-x-push-y (x = Device Tag, y = Column Size):


``` HTML
// Offset (Empty space before column)
<div class="h-large-4 h-large-offset-4"></div>

// Pull (Pull column to the left without affecting on the other columns)
<div class="h-large-4 h-large-pull-4"></div>

// Push (Push column to the right without affecting on the other columns)
<div class="h-large-4 h-large-push-4"></div>


  • You can customize Haiakel on haiakel.scss file.
  • Change columns number & gutter width:
$grid-columns: 12;
$gutter-width: 30px;
  • Change breakpoints:
$small-device-breakpoint: 576px;
$medium-device-breakpoint: 992px;
  • Change the class intro:
$class-intro: "h";
  • Change devices tag:
$small-device-tag: "small";
$medium-device-tag: "medium";
$large-device-tag: "large";
  • Change LTR to RTL (true = RTL):
$direction-rtl: false;