
Recreate a simple shell

Primary LanguageC


About project:

Minishell is a command interpreter based on bash. It implements basic functionalities of a shell like environment variable, builtins, pipes, redirections...

The program is written in C.

Allowed functions:

readline, rl_clear_history, rl_on_new_line, rl_replace_line, rl_redisplay, add_history, printf, malloc, free, write, access, open, read, close, fork, wait, waitpid, wait3, wait4, signal, sigaction, sigemptyset, sigaddset, kill, exit, getcwd, chdir, stat, lstat, fstat, unlink, execve, dup, dup2, pipe, opendir, readdir, closedir, strerror, perror, isatty, ttyname, ttyslot, ioctl, getenv, tcsetattr, tcgetattr, tgetent, tgetflag, tgetnum, tgetstr, tgoto, tputs.

Builtins implemented:

  • echo echo the string to standart output. -n flag: do not output the trailing newline
  • cd change the shell working directory
  • pwd print name of current directory
  • export set export attribute for shell variables
  • unset unset values of shell variables
  • env print the environment
  • exit cause the shell to exit with the exit status specified


  • includes: contains header
  • libft: contains the source code of my libft library, which is used in the program
  • source: contains the source code of the program


$ git clone git@github.com:Anastasiia-Ni/Minishell.git
$ cd Minishell
$ make


$ ./minishell