
Team "Minesweeper-1" - High-Quality Programming Code

Primary LanguageC#


Team "Minesweeper-1" - High-Quality Programming Code



[Ivayla Hristova] (https://github.com/IvaylaH)

[Radoslav Chervenkov] (https://github.com/RadoChervenkov)

[Martin Anastasov] (https://github.com/Anastasoff)

Change log

The following document describes the changes, made to the project “Minesweeper-1”.

I. Refactoring

  1. Bad variable names have been replaced by comprehensive ones;
  2. Large classes have been split into smaller ones;
  3. Long methods have been split into smaller ones;
  4. Bad comments have been removed;
  5. Magic numbers replaced by constants;
  6. Extracted interfaces

II. Design patterns

  1. Creational:
    • Abstract Factory;
    • Singleton;
  2. Structural:
    • Facade;
    • Bridge;
  3. Behavioral:
    • Visitor;
    • Memento;

III. SOLID principles followed

IV. New Features

  1. Voice commands;
  2. Cell flagging;

V. Code documentation

  1. XML documentation to all public classes and methods;
  2. Sandcastle-generated help file