SeekBarPreference for Android

Android preference which allow users to change a ranged integer setting through a SeekBar, and store the value as int. It supports minimum and maximum values (positive or null), and steps.



Initial setup

  1. Be sure jcenter() is specified as a repository in your project's build.gradle:
repositories {
  1. Add compile 'org.anasthase:android-seekbar-preference:1.2' to the module's build.gradle under the dependencies section:
dependencies {
    compile 'org.anasthase:android-seekbar-preference:1.2'

In your preferences layout

Add xmlns:app="" along with the xmlns:android, then add the following:

    app:stepValue="5" />


  • minValue: The minimum value for the setting.
  • maxValue: The maximum value for the setting.
  • stepValue: The step value for for the setting.
  • format: The formatting string of the current value. If specified, must be a valid format string, as expected by String.format(), otherwise only the value will be displayed. If null, the current value will not be displayed.
  • displayDividerValue: A divider in order to display the value as a float value. If this is used, format must handle float values, like %.2f.

Be aware of the following edge cases:

  • If minValue is lesser than 0, it will be set to 0
  • If maxValue is lesser than or equal to minValue, it will be set to minValue + 1
  • If defaultValue is lesser than (respectively greater than) minValue (respectively maxValue), it will be set to minValue (respectively maxValue)
  • If the current stored preference value if lesser than (respectively greater than) minValue (respectively maxValue), it will be displayed as minValue (respectively maxValue)

In code

SeekBarPreference store the setting value as int. Therefore, SharedPreferences's getInt() method must be used to retrieve setting value, and SharedPreferences.Editor's putInt() method must be used to set setting value.

Advanced usage

As for any Android Preference, title and summary can be accessed through their accessors. All other parameters (minimum value, maximum value, current value, step value, format string) also have dedicated accessors.

An SeekBar.OnSeekBarChangeListener listener can also be registered through the setOnSeekBarChangeListener() method to monitor SeekBar events.