
EEU Shapeshifting Bot (Shiftbot) by Creative Crew

Primary LanguageC#

Traditional Shiftbot

Bot created by LeoGiaco ana Anatoly

Table of Contents


Create the cookie file

To login, create the file cookie.txt at the level of Program.cs The first line defines the login style, the second line the TOKEN.



15-minutes token


Create the configuration file

The file config.txt keeps individual settings like worldid

Example for a 100x100 world:

corner 31 64
worldid tPy8SPndRwTI
save false
  • corner x y defines the top left corner of the level, not the arrows. So the minimum value should be 1 1 (for)
  • worldid id defines the world to connect
  • save bool defines wether player data should be saved or not.

Game Process

public static async Task ContinueGame()

    await ClearGameArea();


    await BuildMap(Maps.ElementAt(new Random().Next(0, Maps.Count)));
    await CreateExit();


    await MakeGravity();
    await OpenEntrance();


    await ReleasePlayers();


    await CreateSafeArea();


The game process is a cycle, consisting of non-changing elements

  • Clearing the game area
  • Building a map
    • Creating exit (coin doors)
    • Creating the gravity tunnels
    • Opening the entrance (which happens on top of the gravity tunnels)
  • Releasing the players and starting the countdowns.

Multi-dependent events

Closing the door

The door closes if one of the following conditions is met:

  • Half a second after active players' movement detected
  • Five seconds in general passed after players released

Ending the game

The game ends if one of the following conditions is met:

  • 50% of active players finished.
  • 5-20 seconds after the first player has finished passed.
  • 150 seconds timelimit overdue.
