
Eatsy is a web application for selling and buying essential products. It was inspired by Etsy and built using Python, React.js, and SQLAlchemy.

Explore and start buying at Eatsy

List of techs/languages/plugins/APIs used

  • React.js

  • Flux


  • PostgreSQL

  • Flask

  • Heroku

  • CSS

  • HTML

Landing Page

When a user is not logged in, landing page has some info about the products and a Sign in option

landing page

Home Page

When a user is logged in or signed up, they'll be able to start shopping and selling. Or just browsing.

Sign In modal

home page

Sign Up modal

home page

Profile dropdown

home page

View One Item at a time

From homepage, when a user clicks on a product, they'll be redirect to another page that has all the info about that product

home page

Product's reviews

home page

Manage Listing

When a user wants to start selling, they will be able to click on Manage Listing inside profile dropdown

manage listing

Create item listing form

manage listing

Purchases and reviews

When a user wants to see purchase history and their reviews, they will be able to click on Purchases and reviews inside profile dropdown

Purchase history and review

purchases and reviews

Create review modal

purchases and reviews

Edit review modal

purchases and reviews

Shopping cart

shopping cart

Features List

  • Sign up/in with email

  • Browse all products available from homepage

  • Buy products by adding to shopping cart and checkout

  • View purchase history

  • View user's reviews

  • View user's selling products

  • Edit/delete/create a review for a purchase

  • Edit/delete/create an item for sell

Feature List

DB Schema

Redux Store Shape

API routes document

API Routes Documentation

Frontend routes document

  • "/": Homepage

  • "/": Get all items

  • "/users": List of users

  • "/users/:userId": Detail of a user

  • "/search": Search

  • "/items/:itemId": Get item by id

  • "/listings": Get user's listing

  • "/cart": Add to shopping cart

  • "/listing/:itemId/edit": Edit user's item by id

  • "/listings/create": Create new item ",

  • "/purchases-and-reviews": Get user's purchase history and reviews

Instructions on how to build/run the project


React Components list


To-dos/future features

Technical implementation details

  • As a group, we came up with an agreement on how to design our apps effieciently.

  • There were two different approaches on how to implement search funtionality, and it took our group some time to discuss and come to an agreement on what needed to be done.

  • The image carousel was something we're all proud of.

  • Attached below is the snippet of code we use to clear search bar when we navigate away from the search results page.

