
Steps for AWS code deploy using S3 as source

  1. Create IAM Roles - CodeDeploy & EC2CodeDeploy

  2. Create EC2 instance with the following software packages should install

  3. Choose AMI: Amazon Linux 2
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  4. Choose AMI role as EC2CodeDeploy
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  5. Choose User Data: for installing required packages.
    sudo yum -y update
    sudo yum -y install ruby
    sudo yum -y install wget
    cd /home/ec2-user
    sudo chmod +x ./install
    sudo ./install auto
    sudo yum install -y python-pip
    sudo pip install awscli

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  6. Security groups: which enable port SSH port 22 and HTTP 80 for application
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  7. Add tags to your EC2 instance
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  8. Launch instance

  9. Makesure that your bucket should enabled version
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  10. Goto CodeDeploy Create Application

  11. Create a DeploymentGroup

  12. Moving Your Application Into GitHub
    for more details Click Here If the application files that you want to deploy are not already in a GitHub repository, you’ll need to set that up. Here’s how you can do it with the getting started sample application. First, download the application files. These examples use Linux / Unix commands.

mkdir codedeploy-sample
cd codedeploy-sample
curl -O

You can upload file on S3 for further automatic deployment on CodeDeploy Pipeline