- 1
#254 opened by callomello - 2
Error 'Script 'fuyllscreen' line 14: NameError occureduninitialized constant Module::Win32API'
#236 opened by se7uh - 1
Sudden crash : Script 'Zeus Map Effects' - line 85: No MethodError occured.
#253 opened by bakustarver - 1
Error With PKGConfig and CMake
#252 opened by LWFlouisa - 0
Sound system initialization should not be compulsory
#250 opened by mbrethes - 2
- 8
Support for IDE-like debugging of RGSS / ruby scripts
#198 opened by Poityu - 0
- 0
- 2
Does mkxp recognize multiple RTPs?
#245 opened by KainNobel - 1
Best Way to Detect if Running mkxp?
#244 opened by KainNobel - 3
- 11
- 5
Video reproduction implementation missing.
#237 opened by albertomcastro4 - 4
- 14
Trouble compiling on Ubuntu with Ruby 2.6
#218 opened by Marin-MK - 5
High-level RPG Maker MV emulation support aka "mkmv"
#224 opened by dogtopus - 0
BGM should not be played before ME when calling me_play and bgm_play together
#234 opened by khiav223577 - 63
Compiling with Emscripten
#195 opened by pulsejet - 0
- 11
Error reading Game.ini due to case sensitive parsing.
#187 opened by emmauss - 0
build: Could someone provide a build log for osx?
#189 opened by hanetzer - 5
Loading bitmap files outside Data folder
#193 opened by JoaoFelipe - 1
Prepare a rpgmaker game accesible to Mac
#194 opened by Zukidata - 9
version with win32api
#204 opened by klebersonromero90 - 5
Module files can not loop correctly.
#202 opened by Kashouryo - 3
Is it possible to call `snap_to_bitmap` in RMXP?
#205 opened by khiav223577 - 2
LibNX (Nintendo Switch) support?
#210 opened by CatmanFan - 18
- 1
[bug] Full-screen issue (Ubuntu 18.04 amd64)
#217 opened by TomTheDragon - 3
Search for mkxp.conf in more paths
#221 opened by Slider-Whistle - 6
- 2
How compile? and another dunno
#231 opened by inukaze - 1
Fonts are completely broken
#230 opened by corboblan - 0
Some (maybe) helpful font size stuff!
#223 opened by KilloZapit - 2
Fluidsynth-related compilation error on Arch Linux
#219 opened by kforney - 2
- 3
Loud clipping/wrong sample when BGM loops
#206 opened by dogtopus - 4
- 8
- 2
- 1
Attribution for certain sourcefiles?
#203 opened by hanetzer - 8
- 2
[RGSS Accuracy]: if argv[1] contains 'debug', 'test', or 'btest' set variables in ruby.
#190 opened by hanetzer - 1
Segfault with mruby binding
#196 opened by pulsejet - 1
- 16
- 7
How to use system fonts in "fontSub"?
#186 opened by adam900710 - 12
- 1
error creating a window :could not get EGL display
#185 opened by yamyi