
Reverse Polish calculator written in NodeJs

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Reverse Polish Notation Calculator

This is an implementation of a reverse polish calculator written in javascript (Node)

App Philosophy

This is a simple cli application. It takes user input, gives them minimal, but effective feedback, and guides the user in the right direction.

There is a utils file which takes care of the majority of error handling/ data flow. Most of these utils functions take an input and return a boolean, indicating that the input passed the function's check or not. These functions are designed to be composable, reusable, testable, and scalable -- all the good -ables.


While choosing Node for this project gave me a lot of flexibilty and allowed me to write succinct, readable code, it comes with the tradeoff of doing math in javascript. Although modern incantations of Node has cleaned up js math significantly, you can expect to occasionally see numbers with many digits after the decimal (especially when dividing).

Getting Started

Follow the instructions below to install and run the application

Clone this repository

$ git clone https://github.com/AncyentMariner/reverse-polish-calculator

Go into the repository

$ cd reverse-polish-calculator

Install dependencies

$ npm install

Run the app

$ npm start

You will be prompted to start typing in your input and guided through the calculation process. Any input other than numbers and mathematical operators (just the fab four for now: +, -, /, *) will display the error This is not a valid input and and prompt you again for input.


Make sure NodeJs is installed on your system (can be found here: https://nodejs.org/en/download/) all other dependencies are included in the package.json

Running the tests

This project uses the jasmine testing framework Please make sure you have installed dependencies with the npm install command

To run the tests, simply run the command

$ npm test


Jeff Kingswood


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details