DeadAir Dynamic Wars

Scripted events at set intervals that change relations between two AI factions. The stronger a faction is, the more enemies it will likely have. The weaker a faction is, the more friends it will likely have.

Possible level of relations changes:

  • 5% Instant max relations (+30)
  • 15% Big boost to relations (+20 at relation 0)
  • 30% Small boost to relations (+5 at relation 0)
  • 30% Small blow to relations (-5 at relation 0)
  • 15% Large blow to relations (-20 at relation 0)
  • 5% Instant max negative relations (-30)

Provides notification and small fictional event that caused.

Allows player to speak with faction representative to check relations between AI factions, and even pay for peace between two factions. Allows player to speak to a station manager of their own to lower relations with an AI faction or pay for peace.

Save game compatible.
Installation: extract to x4 foundations\extensions
Requires SirNukes Mod support API found at