
Configs for terminal apps

Primary LanguageVim Script


Neovim notes

  • Lua is faster and smaller than Python, that is why it was embedded to Neovim as default.
  • Lua is much faster than VimScript, and so the plugins based on lua deliver snappier responses.
  • I don't think moving completely to Lua is necessary. Neovim still expects to leverage the work on thousands of plugins that were written in VimScript.
  • Lua files are ran before VimScript files.

Neovim debugging

Got to .config/nvim/StepByStep.md to see a guide and documentation over the plugings and the settings that I use for Neovim. Also it should help you to debug as you go from a minimal install to the full thing.

Some observatons

Installing LSP using node and npm.

To install some LSP like sumneko_lua. For this last plugin to work properly I have to install node and npm.

curl -sL install-node.vercel.app/lts | sudo bash -s -- -y

Custom syntax and highlighting

This complicated as it involves many moving pieces (alacritty.yml, init.vim) and concepts that I don't fully understand (like the terminals: screen-256colors vs xterm-256colors).

These are the main steps that I followed to make it work:

  • Downloading and configuring the colorscheme.
  • Synchronizing both terminal and nvim for that colorscheme.
  • Adding vim settings and commands.

Downloading and configuring the colorscheme

Currently I'm working with colorscheme tokyonight (https://github.com/folke/tokyonight.nvim) where before I had colorscheme gruvbox (https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox). The modifications that I do are: (1) define new colors and (2) highlight the new elements that I have defined in syntax files.

To automate this, I forked the repo and load my modified fork as a plugin. See the differences by looking at the commit history.

Synchronizing both terminal and nvim for that colorscheme

Here I basically have to modify .config/alacritty/alacritty.yml. The main modifications in this yaml file are the introduction of colors palettes. The code example below shows how to add one case and also how to select it at the end.

  tokyo-night-storm: &tokyo-night-storm
        background: '0x24283b'
        foreground: '0xc0caf5'
        black:   '0x1D202F'
        red:     '0xf7768e'
        green:   '0x9ece6a'
        yellow:  '0xe0af68'
        blue:    '0x7aa2f7'
        magenta: '0xbb9af7'
        cyan:    '0x7dcfff'
        white:   '0xa9b1d6'
        black:   '0x414868'
        red:     '0xf7768e'
        green:   '0x9ece6a'
        yellow:  '0xe0af68'
        blue:    '0x7aa2f7'
        magenta: '0xbb9af7'
        cyan:    '0x7dcfff'
        white:   '0xc0caf5'
        - { index: 16, color: '0xff9e64' }
        - { index: 17, color: '0xdb4b4b' }
colors: *tokyo-night-storm

As of now, the terminal colors affect the rendering of the Neovim colors. The way that I have dealt with this is to set the default foreground in the theme to be None (see commit history in my fork).