
A python library for MJML - a framework that makes responsive-email easy

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


Compile MJML at runtime without an external Node service/process. It is a Python wrapper for MRML (Rust port of MJML).


From MRML:

A Node.js server rendering an MJML template takes around 20 MB of RAM at startup and 130 MB under stress test. In Rust, less than 1.7 MB at startup and a bit less that 3 MB under stress test. The Rust version can also handle twice as many requests per second.

All of that is without considering http transaction cost when using a node service or process.


Install from PyPI:

pip install mjml-python

Import mjml2html and pass a string to compile:

from mjml import mjml2html

html = mjml2html(
            <mj-image width="100px" src="/assets/img/logo-small.png"></mj-image>
            <mj-divider border-color="#F45E43"></mj-divider>
            <!-- Say hello to the user -->
            <mj-text font-size="20px" color="#F45E43" font-family="Open Sans">Hello World</mj-text>
            <mj-social font-size="15px" icon-size="30px" mode="horizontal">
              <mj-social-element name="facebook" href="https://mjml.io/">
              <mj-social-element name="google" href="https://mjml.io/">
              <mj-social-element  name="twitter" href="https://mjml.io/">
        "Open Sans": "https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans:300,400,500,700",
        "Ubuntu": "https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Ubuntu:300,400,500,700",

Example using Django templates

from django.core.mail import send_mail
from django.template.loader import render_to_string
from mjml import mjml2html

context = {'foo': 'bar'}
text_message = render_to_string('my_text_template.txt', context)
html_message = mjml2html(render_to_string('my_mjml_template.mjml', context))
    'Subject here',


mjml-python supports the following options:

Name Type Default value Comment
disable_comments bool False Strip comments out of rendered HTML
social_icon_origin str | None None Custom URL origin for social icons. Icon name is appended (e.g. facebook.png).
fonts dict[str, str] | None None Fonts imported in the HTML rendered by MJML.
include_loader Callable[[str], str] | None None Fetch the included template using the path attribute.

Notes :

  • When fonts option is set to None, the following default fonts will be used:
        "Open Sans": "https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans:300,400,500,700",
        "Droid Sans": "https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Droid+Sans:300,400,500,700",
        "Lato": "https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Lato:300,400,500,700",
        "Roboto": "https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto:300,400,500,700",
        "Ubuntu": "https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Ubuntu:300,400,500,700",

Command line

mjml-python also provides a command line interface to compile MJML files:

➜ mjml --help
Usage: Usage: mjml [OPTIONS] [INPUT]...

  [INPUT]...  Path to your mjml file

  -m, --migrate                                  Migratie the input
  -c, --certify                                  Certify(Validate) the input
  -s, --stdout                                   Render and redirect to stdout
  -o, --output <OUTPUT>                          Render and redirect to file
  -w, --watch                                    Watch for changes and re-render
      --disable-comments                         Remove comments from html output
      --social-icon-origin <SOCIAL_ICON_ORIGIN>  Base url for social icons
  -v, --verbose...                               Increase logging verbosity
  -q, --quiet...                                 Decrease logging verbosity
  -h, --help                                     Print help
  -V, --version                                  Print version

The interface is similar to the Node.js version of MJML. See MJML CLI for more details.


python -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
maturin develop
python -m unittest