#My Ruby/Rails template

  • This template was created using the following command:

    • rails new 'name-of-app' --database=postgresql --css tailwind
    • tailwind may need to use the following command for different OSes: bundle lock --add-platform ['arm64-darwin', 'x64-mingw32', 'x86_64-darwin']
    • arm64-darwin is MacOS with M1 chip
    • x86_64-darwin is MacOS with intel chip
    • x64-mingw32 is Windows 64bit
    • Run the following command to install tailwindcss-rails gem rails tailwindcss:install
  1. In Gemfile, I added the following gems: a. dotenv-rails b. font-awesome-rails c. rubocop
  2. run command 'bundle install'
  3. In the \config\application.rb file add in the following:
  • Dotenv::Railtie.load
  • This will enable environment variables in development environment.
  1. run the following commands: a. rails importmap:install b. rails turbo:install c. rails turbo:install:redis
  • this will allow the use of the turbo methods