
Eldraxis skin API

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Eldraxis project

Made for pepeland
This API acts as an intermediary between the client and the official Mojang skins server. For greater convenience, the API caches incoming requests for 3 hours. Unlike the official Mojang skins server, this API requires only one request to obtain a skin image by nickname.

The rate limit for all endpoints is 100 requests per minute.


GET /profile/{nickname/uuid}

Get account info by nickname/UUID.

Here's an example response:

  "status": "success",
  "message": "",
  "timestamp": 1716588437430,
  "uuid": "1420c63cb1114453993fb3479ba1d4c6",
  "uuid_dashed": "1420c63c-b111-4453-993f-b3479ba1d4c6",
  "nickname": "AndcoolSystems",
  "textures": {
    "SKIN": {
      "mojang": "http://textures.minecraft.net/texture/9c52c2cf06d363321a0ec5530960755c3dea860b3e67e5c9ca9eb33a136e46e0",
      "eldraxis": "https://eldraxis.andcool.ru/skin/1420c63cb1114453993fb3479ba1d4c6"
    "CAPE": {
      "mojang": "http://textures.minecraft.net/texture/afd553b39358a24edfe3b8a9a939fa5fa4faa4d9a9c3d6af8eafb377fa05c2bb",
      "eldraxis": "https://eldraxis.andcool.ru/cape/1420c63cb1114453993fb3479ba1d4c6"
  "eldraxis_cache": {
    "available_in_search": true,
    "last_cached": 1716586283000

GET /skin/{nickname}?cape=<bool>

Retrieve a skin by nickname.

Query parameter cape determines the format of the returned skin.

The default value of the parameter is false. With this value, the response Content-Type header will be image/png. In this case, the endpoint will return only the skin as an image.
If the parameter cape is set to true, the endpoint will have a text/json Content-Type header, and the response will contain images of the skin and cape in base64 format.

  "status": "success",
  "data": {
    "skin": "<base64 encoded skin>",
    "cape": "<base64 encoded cape>"


If your account does not have a cape, the cape field in the server response will be an empty string.

Get 2D head by nickname

GET /head/{nickname}

Returns image of minecraft skin head by nickname.
Content-Type: image/png


The request is subject to caching

Get 3D head by nickname

GET /head3d/{nickname}?v=-25&h=45

Returns image of 3D render of minecraft skin head by nickname.
Content-Type: image/png

The parameters v and h are responsible for the vertical and horizontal rotation of the render, respectively. The standard values are shown in the sample query (-25, 45).


The request is subject to caching

Get cape by nickname

GET /cape/{nickname}

Returns image of minecraft account cape by nickname.
Content-Type: image/png


The request is subject to caching

Search by nickname

GET /search/{nickname-fragment}?take=<take>&page=<page>

This endpoint will return all cached entries whose nickname contains the given fragment.

The take parameter specifies the maximum number of nicknames returned in the search (default is 20).
The page parameter determines which page will be sent when requesting nicknames. Calculated by the formula skip = take * page.

If no nicknames containing the given fragment are found, the HTTP status code will be 204.

Example Response

  "status": "success",
  "requestedFragment": "AndcoolSystems",
  "data": [
      "name": "AndcoolSystems",
      "head": "<base64 encoded skin head>"
  "total_count": 1,
  "next_page": 1

The total_count field contains the total number of records found, regardless of the take and page parameters.
The next_page field contains the number of the next page.