
Cogs for RedDiscord-Bot.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Discord Server PyPI - Python Version discord.py Code Style: Black

Various phun and utility cogs for Red-DiscordBot.


[p]repo add Phen-Cogs https://github.com/phenom4n4n/phen-cogs


Cog Description
AltDentifier Uses the AltDentifier API to check user's trust levels and take actions on users that join the server.
Baron Manage guild joins and leaves with a variety of auto leave options, and guild blacklisting.
CustomPing Just a ping command with bot, host and websocket latency.
DisboardReminder Reminds servers to run !d bump every 2 hours after the last bump.
EmbedUtils A variety of embed utility commands, including posting embeds from JSON, download embed JSON, and storing them for later use.
ForceMention Modified version of Bobloy's forcemention cog, which my other cogs use for mentioning roles.
LinkQuoter Quotes messages using message links, using webhooks when possible.
Lock A basic channel and server lock command which allows role locking.
PermissionsLocker Forces configured permissions when a user tries running any command, and raises CommandCheckFailure if those permissions aren't met.
PfpImgen A couple fun commands that create memes/images using user avatars.
PhenUtils Developer utility commands.
PlagueGame Infect people in Discord.
Prefix Easier server prefix management.
Ratings Rate members on multiple scales including their iq, sanity, and how much they simp for something.
RoleUtils Role management commands.
SimpleCalculator Math calculator that uses TagScriptEngine. Random and range blocks are supported, queries will automatically be wrapped into a math block for you.
Tags An alternative to core CustomCom with TagScriptEngine blocks.


If you have a feature request or have found a bug, open a PR/issue or join my support server.



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