[p]repo add Phen-Cogs https://github.com/phenom4n4n/phen-cogs
Cog | Description |
AltDentifier | Uses the AltDentifier API to check user's trust levels and take actions on users that join the server. |
Baron | Manage guild joins and leaves with a variety of auto leave options, and guild blacklisting. |
CustomPing | Just a ping command with bot, host and websocket latency. |
DisboardReminder | Reminds servers to run !d bump every 2 hours after the last bump. |
EmbedUtils | A variety of embed utility commands, including posting embeds from JSON, download embed JSON, and storing them for later use. |
ForceMention | Modified version of Bobloy's forcemention cog, which my other cogs use for mentioning roles. |
LinkQuoter | Quotes messages using message links, using webhooks when possible. |
Lock | A basic channel and server lock command which allows role locking. |
PermissionsLocker | Forces configured permissions when a user tries running any command, and raises CommandCheckFailure if those permissions aren't met. |
PfpImgen | A couple fun commands that create memes/images using user avatars. |
PhenUtils | Developer utility commands. |
PlagueGame | Infect people in Discord. |
Prefix | Easier server prefix management. |
Ratings | Rate members on multiple scales including their iq, sanity, and how much they simp for something. |
RoleUtils | Role management commands. |
SimpleCalculator | Math calculator that uses TagScriptEngine. Random and range blocks are supported, queries will automatically be wrapped into a math block for you. |
Tags | An alternative to core CustomCom with TagScriptEngine blocks. |
If you have a feature request or have found a bug, open a PR/issue or join my support server.
All Cog Creators