Panagora Code Test

What's here?

  • design/ styleguide and site design
  • images/ a couple of product images
  • static/ static assets that you will need
  • <PRODUCT_ID>.json
  • products.json
  • webpack.config.js webpack config with dev server
  • index.html a bare minumum html template
  • index.js empty index.js
  • index.scss empty index.scss


The idea here is to build a single page application with JavaScript. We have provided a set of files and assets that we want you to use to achieve this (see above).

First run npm install. We have provided you with a set of npm packages and a webpack.config.js to get started. Take a peak at package.json to see available commands.

You will find the styleguide and site design in design/. We want this implemented.

In data/ you will find a couple of json files that will act as your "backend". products.json holds a list of simplified product representations and <PRODUCT_ID>.json is an actual product representation.

On one page we want all products rendered. When clicking on one of the products we want to see a product page with full product info and a form to add the product to a cart. Layout this page however you want but use the design elements from the styleguide.

Feel free to use any template language of your choice i.e Nunjucks, EJS, Mustache or perhaps Pug. Template literals is also fine.

Important: Please tell us how much time you spent on this and describe your work to us! Just a couple of sentences of each step you took or if something was unclear and how you solved it.


We will only test your site in the newest Chrome/Firefox browser so feel free to use html5, css3, es6, canvas or anything else you need. If you need to use a nightly build don't forget to tell us!