
GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

KQL Detections & Threat Hunting

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  ________            __ ______    __       _    __            ____ 
 /_  __/ /_  ___     / //_/ __ \  / /      | |  / /___ ___  __/ / /_
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/_/ /_/ /_/\___/  /_/ |_\___\_\/_____/     |___/\__,_/\__,_/_/\__/  

This repo is a collection of my most used KQL queries for both Threat Hunting as well as Detection Rules.

KQL Vault:

Threat Hunting

Name Description Source
Remote Access Tools Looks for common remote access tools Defender
File Sharing Sites Looks for common file sharing sites Defender
IOCs Checks for IOCs across Defender tables Defender
DC Usage Shows DC usage metrics Defender
Emojis Looks for Emojis in Emails and Command Lines Defender
Duplicate MFA Looks for duplicate SMS numbers being registered by multiple users Sentinel

Detection Rules

Name Description Source
Specula C2 Detection of the TrustedSec Specula C2 Framework Defender
Defender Exclusion Modification Detection of Defender For Endpoint Exclusion Modification Defender
Suspicious Bulk File Modification Detection for Bulk file renaming in a set time window Defender


The KQL Queries in this repository are provided as a general reference for creating Detection Rules. Every environment is unique and will require tuning by the user before implementing these rules into production. It is up to the user to fully understand and test these KQL Queries before implementing them into their environments.