- 1
No iPhone App Available anymore
#226 opened by bepstein111 - 2
Tobii Eye Tracker 5 and FreePie Pitch
#200 opened by BlueSkyDefender - 2
Compile script to standalone executable?
#225 opened by jscottee - 3
support for ar glasses
#217 opened by seekever - 3
How do I output DSU/UDP data from freepie
#218 opened by expected-ingot - 6
#222 opened by Brush-XD - 1
#224 opened by flowerstrample - 0
Add method to speech to list voices
#223 opened by al1-ce - 4
Add a way to identify joystick device by name
#221 opened by weezzah - 0
Pause key not working
#220 opened by weezzah - 0
How to setAxis on virtual Xbox Controller
#209 opened by micovery - 0
- 18
How i can get force feedback data
#210 opened by nosazik - 2
[Suggestion] Logitech G API
#212 opened by viperfan7 - 7
- 6
FreePIE is not launching anymore
#214 opened by usmanrides - 3
Request: Make multiple mouse Input
#216 opened by Ardub92 - 1
Script to use Mouse Scroll or Incremental Rotary encoder to Steering Wheel Accurately
#211 opened by nosazik - 3
Cannot access CORE file
#215 opened by Shi-Gi - 4
RawInput for Joysticks
#199 opened by viperfan7 - 0
PWM Function
#207 opened by DeadlyDad - 2
How to change (or duplicate) joystick input?
#206 opened by omgitsraven - 2
Time not imported?
#205 opened by AfromD - 2
Multiple Keyboard support?
#204 opened by speed-of-heat - 1
Novint Falcon support?
#203 opened - 1
Backdoor file in FreePie?
#202 opened by LorenzHorvath - 1
The Wiki Reference page is messed up.
#201 opened by uchiki - 0
FreePIE Not Launching.
#198 opened by squirrel97 - 9
Getting the path of the currently running script
#194 opened by jmriego - 18
- 1
Any plans to support Mixed Reality Input 213?
#192 opened by brsinal - 1
End script using a plugin?
#191 opened by joao678 - 2
Your installer download link is broken
#190 opened by mattkline27 - 3
Wiimote Motion Plus not detected
#189 opened by Wanchai290 - 0
Wiimote gyro data 'fastModeFactor' incorrectly assigned. (solution posted)
#188 opened by ProtonAbyss - 0
Individual finger control?
#187 opened by dniculesc22 - 5
- 1
Dualshock 4 Support through JoyShockLibrary ?
#185 opened by FlintEastwood - 1
Wiimote doesn't support multiple Capabilities
#184 opened by Raoul1808 - 1
Installing pip modules on Windows?
#183 opened by Daniel2193 - 11
TrackIR only updates at 4hz
#182 opened by johnflux - 17
Raze hydra emulation crashing steamvr?
#181 opened by marcob2178 - 1
- 12
- 0
Tracking with opentrack randomly stops.
#178 opened by JackBuss22 - 4
Script resource cleanup
#177 opened by svofski - 0
- 0
- 2
GlovePIE compatibility chart ?
#173 opened by beppe9000 - 10
Feature request - script execution in background
#172 opened by darmach