
Workspace for Elias and Tage's master thesis

Primary LanguagePython

M30-RB Runtime Verification Framework

This is the collected repository consisting of all parts of a framework for runtime verification of ROS2 systems, including instructions as well as personal findings and goals.

The primary goal of this project is to automatically develop a robust RV platform for ROS 2 applications from Natural Language (NL) requirements, equipped with a user interface. This platform aims to facilitate user interaction with the ROS system through simple commands and will be applicable to both CPS and simulation environments. The monitor should demonstrate reliable, high-performance results during execution. Additionally, the RV monitors should be capable of being automatically generated from nearnatural language requirements, which can be converted into formally verified temporal logic for precise verification.

System Requirements

The system is designed to meet the following requirements, in no particularly order (see thesis for detailed explanation):

  1. ROS 2 Compatibility
  2. Low Latency and High Performance
  3. Bidirectional Communication
  4. Linux Compatibility
  5. Hard Real-Time Capabilities
  6. Formal Verification
  7. Violation Detection and Reporting

Software developed by NASA, utilized in the framework:

FRET github

OGMA github

Video Demo

YouTube Embed

Watch the video

Direct Link

Watch the video


The inspiration for advancing RV in ROS 2 applications came from the paper ”Automated Translation of Natural Language Requirements to Runtime Monitors” by Dr. Ivan Perez and his team at NASA. The paper outlines the steps for creating C monitors for ROS 2 from FRET input in the following seven steps:

  1. Fret automatically translates requirements into pure Past-time Metric Linear Temporal Logic (ptLTL) formulas.
  2. Information about the variables referenced in the requirements must be provided by the user.
  3. The formulas and provided variable data are then combined to generate the Component Specification.
  4. Based on this specification, OGMA creates a complete Copilot monitor specification.
  5. Copilot then generates the C Monitor.
  6. This monitor, along with other C code, is given to a C compiler.
  7. The final object code is generated.

ROBOTOOL (optional)


  1. (optional) import requirements from ROBOTOOL
  2. Create requirements in FRET, either following the templates or by using the fields system. Pay attention to what should be assumptions (done by adding "assumption" to requirements name).
  3. Apply variable mapping. Check chart for information regarding the difference between the classes and how to do this correctly.
  4. Check realizability. If unrealizable go back to step 1.
  5. If realizable export json of project with requirements and variables.


  1. Create copilot monitors
  2. create ROS2 structure
  3. Compile the copilot code and move the .h and .c files to the ROS2 directory


  1. Integrate C++ monitors with ROS2, focusing on correct topic paths and information gathering
  2. Create violation handeling from the hanbdler topics listed in the C code, if wanted.
  3. Test system and add further functions if wanted. Bidirectional communication and mitigation actions being examples of further development.

Master's in Applied Robotics use-case

The increased use of autonomous robotic systems has necessitated advancements in safety measures due to the potential hazards these systems can pose. This increased focus on automation and robotic systems raises questions on how safety and compliance will be maintained in a steadily advancing automated society. With increasing complexity, it has become evident that rigorous offline testing cannot eliminate all dangers associated with infinite state systems, as safety is limited by the defined test-cases and coverage. To maintain safety and reliability during runtime, multiple tools often need to be set in place. One such tool is called Runtime Verification (RV). Runtime verification, a term that has been growing in popularity, refers to lightweight formal methods for observing, analyzing, and sometimes intercepting the processes of system software or Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). One of the most common software libraries for CPS robotics is the Robot Operating System (ROS). While ROS has a few runtime verification software tools available, the recent release of ROS 2 has created a gap regarding compatible tools and their usage. Especially with the shift in infrastructure from a centralized- to distributed discovery. In the case of a flawed or failing safety controller, runtime verification plays a pivotal role in detecting what went wrong, when and where it occurred, and how to administer possible mitigating actions. The primary objective of this thesis is to create a pipeline for the automatic generation of RV monitors for ROS 2 from natural language requirements into formally verified temporal logic equations. To achieve this, the pipeline employs NASA’s Copilot, OGMA, and FRET tools to convert natural language safety requirements into formally verified temporal logic monitors.

This study also addresses the gap in RV tools for ROS 2, providing a comprehensive overview of existing tools, implementation strategies, and the benefits of RV in CPS. The framework’s performance is evaluated through simulation and field testing using the Thorvald-005 agricultural-robot and D435 RealSense camera, focusing on system overhead, event-to-stream-based communication, and violation reporting efficiency.

Key findings demonstrate that the RV framework effectively improves safety and reliability, with the monitor maintaining acceptable system performance even under high message rates. The research also highlights the importance of acknowledging hardware limitations and enhancing predictive capabilities to further increase system robustness. The findings prove that the automatic generation of formally verified RV monitors for ROS 2 is possible with current software and is quick to implement or change, making it feasible to test multiple specification models on the same system without changing the source code.

Future work involves refining the generative RV framework, improving hardware integration, and extending compatibility to other ROS distributions. The results have contributed to the ongoing development of the NASA RV tools, promoting safer deployment of autonomous systems in agriculture and other domains. This thesis itself is a contribution to the methodology and knowledge ascertained to properly understand and use Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) monitors.


To build the packages run:

colcon build --packages-select yolov6


colcon build --packages-select pyflask

To use this project you will need a few packages.

For the Realsense depth-camera packages:

You can follow the installation section here : https://github.com/IntelRealSense/realsense-ros#installation

Or simply run:

sudo apt install ros-<ROS_DISTRO>-librealsense2*


sudo apt install ros-<ROS_DISTRO>-realsense2-*

For the YOLO package you will need a few packages like CV2 and pytorch, but I leave the installation up to you You will probably get nice error messages for missing packages. These should be added when called upon.

Before running the yolo prediction you have to launch the camera node. Run:

ros2 launch realsense2_camera rs_launch.py enable_rgbd:=true enable_sync:=true align_depth.enable:=true enable_color:=true enable_depth:=true 

Among other things this makes sure the resolution and FOV of the RBG image and depth image is the same. This is required by the current yolo solution

To run the Yolo-prediction by itself:

ros2 run yolov6 inferer

If you get an error message that says:

ImportError: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6: cannot allocate memory in static TLS block

You can run:

export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgcc_s.so.1:$LD_PRELOAD


Robotics and Automation Society (ras) focused development on runtime verification monitors for use with ROS2 systems. Setup for front-end webpage for monitoring and violation reporting.

Installation packages

If this is your first time using this package remember to do the following:

sudo apt install ros-<ROS_DISTRO>-rosbridge-server
source /opt/ros/<ROS_DISTRO>/setup.bash

Launching package

To run the website together with the yolo prediction:

ros2 launch pyflask my_launch_file.launch

If you want to change the yolo model:

The path to the .pt file and the .yaml file that contains the corresponding labels can be changed at the bottom of yolov6/yolov6/core/inferer.py

inferer.py is pretty much the only file you will want to edit for the yolo model. Except maybe the model .pt file and label yaml. Everything you will need is probably there.

You can also change which image topic is sent to the website and shown on your pc

(CHECK THIS) The possible images are: raw image topic from depth camera

img_ori (full rbg with predictions)

pred_img (rgb image cropped with only predicitons)

pred_depth_img (depth image cropped with only predicitons, sections are used to calculate distance)

For rosbridge server to run for use with injection device

ros2 launch rosbridge_server rosbridge_websocket_launch.xml

To run the irmt_teleop package with plugins

ros2 launch imrt_teleop turtlebot_teleop.launch.py 

Rosbag file with video of adult and worker walking down corridor.

Video Link

Remember to add pathing to the .so plugins inside each plugins src/build in ~/.bashrc or export manually