
CellProfiler Image Analysis Tools

Primary LanguageShell

Andersen Lab Image Analysis Pipeline

Implemented using CellProfiler

CellProfiler Directory Structure (With Example Files)

  ├── batch_files
      ├── 20191119_example_batch_20201018.h5
  ├── metadata
      ├── 20191119_example_metadata_20201018.csv
  ├── pipelines
      ├── 20191119_example.cpproj
      ├── sample_pipelines
  ├── projects
      ├── 20191119_example
        ├── raw_images
        ├── output_data
            ├── 20191119_example_data_1603047856
                ├── CellProfiler-Analysis_20191119_example_data_1603047856run1
                ├── Logs
                ├── ProcessedImages
                ├── OverlappingWorms_Data
                ├── NonOverlappingWorms_Data
  ├── scripts
      ├── generate_metadata.R
      ├── run_cellprofiler.sh
      ├── cellprofiler_parallel.sh
      ├── check_run_cellprofiler.sh
      ├── aggregate_cellprofiler_results.R
  ├── well_masks
      ├── wellmask_98.png
  ├── worm_models
      ├── Adult_N2_HB101_100w.xml
      ├── L1_N2_HB101_100w.xml
      ├── L2L3_N2_HB101_100w.xml
      ├── L4_N2_HB101_100w.xml
      ├── WM_FBZ_control.xml
      ├── WM_FBZ_dose.xml
      ├── high_dose_worm_model.xml

To recreate CellProfiler (CP) on QUEST:

  1. Navigate to the directory where you wish to clone CP:
ssh -X user@quest.it.northwestern.edu
cd [desired directory]
  1. Clone CP repository
git clone https://github.com/AndersenLab/CellProfiler.git
  1. Download CP Docker images and convert to Singularity images within CP directory:
cd CellProfiler
module load singularity
singularity pull docker://cellprofiler/cellprofiler:3.1.9
singularity pull docker://cellprofiler/cellprofiler:4.0.3

To execute the CP pipeline on QUEST:

Full instructions here:

  1. Navigate to the CP Directory:
cd CellProfiler
  1. Generate metadata CP file:
Rscript scripts/generate_metadata.R 20191119_example
  1. Download metadata file and create CellProfiler pipeline locally.
  2. Upload properly named batch file and CellProfiler pipeline to appropriate QUEST directories. (see file structure above)
  3. Collect measurements using CellProfiler:
bash scripts/run_cellprofiler.sh projects/20191119_example batch_files/20191119_example_batch_[date].h5
bash scripts/check_run_cellprofiler.sh projects/20191119_example batch_files/20191119_example_batch_[date].h5 [timestamp]
  1. Aggregate measurement data:
Rscript scripts/aggregate_cellprofiler_results.R 20191119_example_data_[timestamp] 20191119_example_metadata_[date].csv [output_info]

At this point, a summarized .RData file will be available for download, containing measurement outputs corresponding to each worm model used in the pipeline:

  ├── projects
      ├── 20191119_example
        ├── raw_images
        ├── output_data
            ├── 20191119_example_summary_data
                ├── CellProfiler-Analysis_20191119_example_data_[output_info]_[timestamp].RData
                ├── Logs
                ├── ProcessedImages
                ├── OverlappingWorms_Data
                ├── NonOverlappingWorms_Data

These data can be analyzed using the R/easyXpress package