├── batch_files
├── 20191119_example_batch_20201018.h5
├── metadata
├── 20191119_example_metadata_20201018.csv
├── pipelines
├── 20191119_example.cpproj
├── sample_pipelines
├── projects
├── 20191119_example
├── raw_images
├── output_data
├── 20191119_example_data_1603047856
├── CellProfiler-Analysis_20191119_example_data_1603047856run1
├── Logs
├── ProcessedImages
├── OverlappingWorms_Data
├── NonOverlappingWorms_Data
├── scripts
├── generate_metadata.R
├── run_cellprofiler.sh
├── cellprofiler_parallel.sh
├── check_run_cellprofiler.sh
├── aggregate_cellprofiler_results.R
├── well_masks
├── wellmask_98.png
├── worm_models
├── Adult_N2_HB101_100w.xml
├── L1_N2_HB101_100w.xml
├── L2L3_N2_HB101_100w.xml
├── L4_N2_HB101_100w.xml
├── WM_FBZ_control.xml
├── WM_FBZ_dose.xml
├── high_dose_worm_model.xml
- Navigate to the directory where you wish to clone CP:
ssh -X user@quest.it.northwestern.edu
cd [desired directory]
- Clone CP repository
git clone https://github.com/AndersenLab/CellProfiler.git
- Download CP Docker images and convert to Singularity images within CP directory:
cd CellProfiler
module load singularity
singularity pull docker://cellprofiler/cellprofiler:3.1.9
singularity pull docker://cellprofiler/cellprofiler:4.0.3
Full instructions here:
- Navigate to the CP Directory:
cd CellProfiler
- Generate metadata CP file:
Rscript scripts/generate_metadata.R 20191119_example
- Download metadata file and create CellProfiler pipeline locally.
- Upload properly named batch file and CellProfiler pipeline to appropriate QUEST directories. (see file structure above)
- Collect measurements using CellProfiler:
bash scripts/run_cellprofiler.sh projects/20191119_example batch_files/20191119_example_batch_[date].h5
bash scripts/check_run_cellprofiler.sh projects/20191119_example batch_files/20191119_example_batch_[date].h5 [timestamp]
- Aggregate measurement data:
Rscript scripts/aggregate_cellprofiler_results.R 20191119_example_data_[timestamp] 20191119_example_metadata_[date].csv [output_info]
At this point, a summarized .RData file will be available for download, containing measurement outputs corresponding to each worm model used in the pipeline:
├── projects
├── 20191119_example
├── raw_images
├── output_data
├── 20191119_example_summary_data
├── CellProfiler-Analysis_20191119_example_data_[output_info]_[timestamp].RData
├── Logs
├── ProcessedImages
├── OverlappingWorms_Data
├── NonOverlappingWorms_Data
These data can be analyzed using the R/easyXpress package