COMP 3550 Assignment 1

This is a COMP3550 Assignment 1.

Bower Components

This project uses a number of bower components which are listed below, once you clone the repository you may run run the following commands to install the respective components.


  • bower install angular
  • bower install firebase
  • bower install angularfire
  • bower install angular-ui-router
  • bower install zingchart-angularjs

Alternatively you may run:


  • bower install


Website Taxonomy

Place Content Here.

Site Map


Low Fidelity Prototypes

Home Page PC Design

Home Page Mobile Design

Login/Register Page PC Design

Login/Register Mobile Design

Suggestions Page PC Design

Suggestions Page Mobile Design

Content Pages PC Design

Content Pages Mobile Design

Wow Factors

  1. Login/Registration Functionality.
  2. Interactive Statistics Charts.
  3. Post/View Crime Suggestions Based On Current Location. (Web 2.0)

Bonus Mark Justification

The website deserves the bonus mark because a great deal of time was spent on implementing additional functionality that was not part of the marking scheme.

The site features the ability to authenticate and access functionality that a regular visitor will not be privy to, such as the ability to post in the crime suggestion box which is explained below:

-> Using HTML5 ’s geolocation and Google Maps API’s reverse geocoding features to determine the Town/City the user is currently located in, and displays crime suggestions dynamically from visitors in that area only. The suggestion box is also real time meaning that as new suggestions are posted in your area, the box automatically updates without user intervention.

-> Using dynamic charts (zingcharts for angular) and harnessing its power, we were able to extract any data we wanted from the report and generate our own graphs which have extended capabilty rather than just viewing a screenshot of a graph from the report. Due to the fact that these graphs were dynamic it was thought of doing one to repesent the amount of people per area entering suggestions and the users would we able to see in real time, the various areas and the number of suggestions but due to the time restrictions we weren't able to.

JSLint Validation

The main.js file was validated on JSLint with "Tolerate Messy White Space Option", "Tolerate For Loops" and "Assume In Browser" selected.


angular, Firebase, console, google, alert, navigator, XMLHttpRequest, document