

TA_Pacmann_AndiAlif is a web-based to-do list application built on Flask Python. It uses Postgres as the database and Bootstrap as the frontend framework. The application also uses Flask-JWT-Extended for authentication. With this application, you can easily keep track of your tasks and stay organized.

Directory Structure

├── Model/ 
│ └── Task.py
│ └── User.py
├── Templates/ 
│ └── add_task.html
│ └── edit_task.html
│ └── index.html
│ └── login.html
│ └── register.html
├── app.py 
├── env_copy.py 
└── requirement.txt
  • Model/: This is a directory contain Model object that interacted with database. There are two model, there are Task.py and User.py.
  • Templates/: This is a directory contain all the html file that used in this application. There are five html file, there are add_task.html, edit_task.html, index.html, login.html, and register.html.
  • app.py: This is the main file of this application. This file contain all the route and logic of this application.
  • env_copy.py: This is a file that contain all the environment variable that used in this application.
  • requirement.txt: This is a file that contain all the package that used in this application.


  1. Copy the env_copy.py file and rename it to env.py.
  2. Open the env.py file and configure the DATABASE_URL and JWT_SECRET keys according to your own settings.
  3. Install the required packages by running the command pip install -r requirements.txt.


Run the application by using the command flask run.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
