
:wrench: Smart XML to Javscript-Object converter

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


XmlToJsObject is a free, easy-to-use utility to convert XML-Documents/XML-Strings to Javacript-Objects



  • Easy XML to JS-Object conversion like JSON to JS-Object
  • Written in Pure-Javascipt (standalone - no framework like jQuery or MooTools required!)
  • Supports XML-Documents (from AJAX/XHR Requests) as well as XML-Strings
  • Smart-Mode automatically merges nodes+attributes for a much easier handling of config files
  • Ultra lightweight: only 3.9kB of Code (uncompressed); 1.64kB (yui compressed)
  • Well commented sourcecode allows easy user modifications/custom extensions
  • Native integration into MooTools (Object.fromXML)


The following Examples require the JSON.stringify method (supported by all modern browsers)

Minimal Example

This is a minimal example how to convert a XML-String into a Javascript Object (Pure Javascript Version)

<!-- Include XmlToJsObject -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="Build/XmlToJsObject.yui.js"></script>

<!-- Example Code -->	
<script type="text/javascript">
	window.onload = (function(){
		// some valid! xml data given as string/xml-node/xml-document
		var testdata = ...

		// covnvert testdata to Js-Object (Smart Mode)
		var dataObject = XmlToJsObject(testdata);
		// Display Human-Readable Object
		document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = JSON.stringify(dataObject, null, 4);
<pre id="output"></pre>

MooTools Examples

How to use

Example, how to use XmlToJsObject with MooTools (http://static.andidittrich.de/XmlToJsObject/Example.MooTools.html)

window.addEvent('domready', function(){
	// get local stored testdata
	var testdata1 = document.id('Testdata1').get('text');
	// == Example 1 ===============================================
	// covnvert testdata to Js Object (Normal Mode + Smart Mode)
	var dataObject1 = Object.fromXML(testdata1);
	// Display Human-Readable Objects
	document.id('output1').set('text', JSON.stringify(dataObject1, null, 4));
	// == Example 2 ===============================================
	// get testdata as DOM-Element-Node and covnvert it into Js Object (Normal Mode)
	var domNode = (new DOMParser()).parseFromString(testdata1, 'text/xml').firstChild;
	var dataObject2 = Object.fromXML(domNode, false);
	// Display Human-Readable Objects
	document.id('output2').set('text', JSON.stringify(dataObject2, null, 4));
	// == Example 3 ===============================================
	// create new xhr request
	var myRequest = new Request({
	    url: 'Resources/Testdata2.xml',
	    method: 'get',
	    onSuccess: function(responseText, responseXMLDocument){
			// directly convert a XML Document
			var dataObject3 = Object.fromXML(responseXMLDocument);
			// Display Human-Readable Objects
			document.id('output3').set('text', JSON.stringify(dataObject3, null, 4));
	// == Show Example Code ===============================================
	document.id('codeOutput').set('text', document.id('JSCode').get('text').replace(/^\t\t/gm, ''));
	// Highlight Example Code
	document.id('codeOutput').light({language: 'js', theme: 'git'});

Example.html Code

The working example can be found here Note: The Example requires MooTools (used to access the DOM Elements); JSON.stringify is supported by all modern browsers

window.addEvent('domready', function(){
	// get local stored xml testdata
	var testdata1 = document.id('Testdata1').get('text');
	var testdata2 = document.id('Testdata2').get('text');

	// covnvert testdata to Js Object (Normal Mode + Smart Mode)
	var dataObject1normal = XmlToJsObject(testdata1, false);
	var dataObject1smart = XmlToJsObject(testdata1, true);
	// covnvert testdata to Js Object (Smart Mode default)
	var dataObject2 = XmlStringToJsObject(testdata2);
	// Display Human-Readable Objects
	document.id('output1').set('text', JSON.stringify(dataObject1smart, null, 4));
	document.id('output2').set('text', JSON.stringify(dataObject1normal, null, 4));
	document.id('output3').set('text', JSON.stringify(dataObject2, null, 4));

Available Methods


Pure Javascript Implementation

XmlToJsObject(data [, smartMode=true])

Description: Converts a XML-String, XMLNode or XMLDocument into a Javascript-Object

data Type: mixed ( String, XMLDocument, XMLNode ) A valid XML-String, XMLNode or XMLDocument Node containing various child nodes and attributes

smartMode Type: Boolean Optional (default=true) - Merge attribute names with node-names

Object.fromXML (MooTools)

Native MooTools implementation: automatically available when using MooTools on your page!

Object.fromXML(data [, smartMode=true])

Description: Converts a XML-String, XMLNode or XMLDocument into a Javascript-Object

data Type: mixed ( String, XMLDocument, XMLNode ) A valid XML-String, XMLNode or XMLDocument Node containing various child nodes and attributes

smartMode Type: Boolean Optional (default=true) - Merge attribute names with node-names

Tested With

  • Firefox 27.0.1
  • Chrome 33.0.1750.117
  • Internet Explorer 11.0.9600.16518
  • Safari 5.1.7 (Windows)
  • Android 4.3 (WebView)

Browser compatibility

The XmlToJsObject Utility requires the DOMParser object. If you want to support earlier versions of the InternetExplorer you can write a fallback using new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") instead of the DOMParser.

Compatibility Reference: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/DOMParser

  • Chrome 1.0+
  • Safari osx+ios (WebKit) 3.2+
  • Internet Explorer 9+
  • Firefox 1.7+
  • Opera 8+
  • Android-Webview 4.3 (Webkit Engine)


XmlToJsObject is licensed under The MIT License (X11)