
Setting up a new developement environment via Ansible for Ubuntu, Debian and Raspbian

Repo used for configuring a new linux system with Ansible (WIP)

Work in progress for auto configuring a dev-env in linux while learning Ansible
Things to be learned a prior
  • Research how to install this tools in ansible-pull
  • Research ansible-galaxy

[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FaXVZ60o8L8] To have roles located localy we create a file name ansible.cfg and inside we paste this variable: roles_path = ./roles where ./roles is the location of the folder that will hold these roles Also to have all the roles detailed in a single file we create a requirements.yml file which holds all the roles Example:

  - name: geerlingguy.homebrew
    version: 3.1.0
  - name: elliotweiser.osx-command-line-tools
    version: 2.3.0

Then to install:

ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
Highest priority taks to implement in this ansible playbook:
  • get .dot files from github repo
  • install nvim
  • get .vimrc files from github repo
  • check that python is at version 3.8.4^
  • install docker, docker-compose
  • install k8s
  • install docker-cluster (?)
  • install java
  • install pycharm, webstorm
  • refactor playbook for better readibility
Usefull tools to integrate in the playbook but needs manual steps to be installed



Ansible documentation
