
Welcome to WetterNaarn! Your go-to source for real-time weather updates, forecasts, and historical data for Naarn im Machlande. Explore a exceptionally fast & user-friendly site built with Astro, Vue.js, PHP, and MySQL. Get insights on temperature, humidity, precipitation, and wind speed via an interactive dashboard. Stay informed, rain or shine!

Primary LanguageAstro


This repository contains the source code for wetter-naarn.at, a website that provides users with up-to-date weather information, forecasts, and historical data for Naarn im Machlande in an informative and user-friendly format. The website features a responsive design, making it accessible from all devices. It uses Astro, Vue.js, PHP and MySQL to create an interactive dashboard that displays various weather parameters, including temperature, humidity, precipitation, and wind speed.