
Simple Web Crawler

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Hexact Task

Original Description

You give any website as an input, and the output must be all the links within that website with all their statuses, its mean that you must scan any website (no matter what kind of website it will be) and on the console display all the URLs of this site with status codes, and at the end display the total number of URLs by status code.

P.S. scan the whole site, not just the home page


As I highlight above there are 3 task-specific and some addional concepts to specify and keep in mind while designing, proving and implementing solution for the task

  1. website
  2. webpage
  3. url
  4. link
  5. site
  6. registrable domain
  7. public suffix
  8. top level domain
  9. xhtml


String that identifies on the internet group of webpages and shared between them, i.e. domain, but in this case we will consider any URL that identifies webpage. This spesification is rephrased based on the task requirements.

For original website term definition see - MDN Website Definition


MDN Webpage Definition

A web page is a simple document displayable by a browser. Such documents are written in the HTML language. A web page can embed a variety of different types of resources such as: style information, scripts, media.

Note: Browsers can also display other documents such as PDF files or images, but the term web page specifically refers to HTML documents. Otherwise, we only use the term document.

Regarding the document type which represents a webpage, we will consider HTML as in this MDN page noted, and XHTML which is also parsable by text/html Parsers, although with some drawbacks.


MDN Url Definition

Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is a text string that specifies where a resource (such as a web page, image, or video) can be found on the Internet.

Regarding the Fragment Identifiers, in practice they not change the actual resource. And taking into account 3 main ways of usage from W3C best practices page:

Fragment identifiers within URIs are used in three main ways:

  • to jump to, highlight, or zoom in to a particular piece of content when displaying a larger document
  • to identify a piece of content for extraction, for example for embedding within another document
  • to provide an identifier for either a piece of content or something described within a document that can be used as the basis of annotation

We will consider that urls that differ only in Fragment Identifiers are the same.


WHATWG Link Definition

Links are a conceptual construct, created by a, area, form, and link elements, that represent a connection between two resources, one of which is the current Document. There are two kinds of links in HTML:

Links to external resources

These are links to resources that are to be used to augment the current document, generally automatically processed by the user agent. All external resource links have a fetch and process the linked resource algorithm which describes how the resource is obtained.


These are links to other resources that are generally exposed to the user by the user agent so that the user can cause the user agent to navigate to those resources, e.g. to visit them in a browser or download them.


MDN Site Definition

The site of a piece of web content is determined by the registrable domain of the host within the origin. This is computed by consulting a Public Suffix List to find the portion of the host which is counted as the public suffix (e.g. com, org or co.uk).

registrable domain

WHATWG Registrable Domain Definition

A host’s registrable domain is a domain formed by the most specific public suffix, along with the domain label immediately preceding it, if any. To obtain host’s registrable domain, run these steps:

public suffix

WHATWG Public Suffix definition

A host’s public suffix is the portion of a host which is included on the Public Suffix List.

See List under the publicsuffix.org

top level domain

MDN Top Level Domain Definition

A TLD (top-level domain) is the most generic domain in the Internet's hierarchical DNS (domain name system). A TLD is the final component of a domain name, for example, "org" in developer.mozilla.org.

See ICANN Top-Level Domains


W3C XHTML Definition

XHTML is a family of current and future document types and modules that reproduce, subset, and extend HTML 4 [HTML4].

Well XHTML is, theoretically, HTML4 expressed as XML. So we can, and will handle it with HTML Parser in order not to miss any links that may be omited in case if it express invalid XML, in which case will simply stop parsing and produce errors while handled by XML Parsers

W3C: It is intended to be used as a language for content that is both XML-conforming and, if some simple guidelines are followed, operates in HTML 4 conforming user agents.

This is noted in spec. But it's not true, in practice there is many disadvantages/drawbacks of using XHTML with HTML4 Complient Parsers, even if you follow those guidlines. Those drawbacks are linked at the bottom of MDN XHTML Guide page.

Starting from HTML5 the term - XHTML, no longer used as noted in spec

The XML syntax for HTML was formerly referred to as "XHTML", but this specification does not use that term (among other reasons, because no such term is used for the HTML syntaxes of MathML and SVG). So when we


  1. As forms designed for data submition to the server, and response may differ for different data submition, and even with method GET for different data sets it will end up with different urls, theres no any logic behinde of tracking this links.

    So we will consider only a, area, and link elements, and will perform simple GET requests and follow redirections for deep traverse of the page.

  2. Since tha task definition confuses concepts of links and urls(See concepts above):

    • You give any website as an input, and the output must be all the links within that website with all their statuses.
    • display all the URLs of this site with status codes, and at the end display the total number of URLs by status code.

    It leads to the idea that in case of redirects we need to consider full redirection path to the actual recourse, and not only the links.

  3. In this case(See abolve), when considering all urls reachable from the given entry point(website), this requirement of:

    display all the URLs of this site with status codes

    Is misleading. So do we need to traverse at least one level for external resporces(not same site), to get their status codes, or we need only to traverse givent site urls? Although it's a question, it can be toggled all with just one flag, so we skip this question.

    NOTE: Same-Site is not the same as Same-Origin!!!

  4. I Also want to mention requirement regarding a kind of a website:

    you must scan any website (no matter what kind of website it will be)

    Well, in my solution I omit handling of scripts, because in this case It will be necessary to provide a WHATWG DOM and HTML Standards, for use with Node.js or use some kind of browser automation tool, I think it will be overhealm for a script, with such a simple use cases, even if not in terms of resources used, but in terms of interface, and method of use.

    Script execution also has security impacts. It require strongly implemented sandbox, so that scripts cant access anything outside it. Even a popular and well maintained library jsdom is not guaranty that it is secure: NPM JsDom Executing scripts

    The jsdom sandbox is not foolproof, and code running inside the DOM's script tags can, if it tries hard enough, get access to the Node.js environment, and thus to your machine. As such, the ability to execute scripts embedded in the HTML is disabled by default.

    So it can be used with any website, but not in terms of execution of a scripts. So SPA-s may not be handled as expected, if they not leverage Server-side rendering.

  5. Regarding the links, We will handle all the links as hyperlinks, not as Links to external resources, because as mentioned in spec, each of them has a specific algorithm of processing, and implementation of those are client specific task, and is very hard in my oppinion, It involves at least parsing of each obtained resource to produce external recource links from it, based on mimtypes. e.g. css @import rules.

Now, taking into account the aforesaid we will rephrase the task.

Rephrased Task

Given a url of a webpage, you need to deep traverse all endpoints(urls) of an application, reachable via links - from it, or from subsequent linked webpages, which are the same site.

  1. URL called reachable via link if it directly indicates that url as destination, or if that url is encountered during subsequent redirections path arise during transition by the link.
  2. URL considered to belong to the application if it belongs to the same site as the initial entry point(url) to the application.
  3. Process must stop subsequent traversing for the urls that are not same site as entry point url.


Simply type npx https://github.com/AndoGhevian/HexactTask [website-url]

website-url is optional, By default traverse script will look for server on http://localhost:8000.


  1. npx https://github.com/AndoGhevian/HexactTask http://procatinator.com/
  2. You can also run simple development server if you already have installed project: npm run server, and run script npx https://github.com/AndoGhevian/HexactTask

NOTE: Currently script will traverse one level for external links.

There is available new stream based solution. See - https://github.com/AndoGhevian/HexactTask/tree/stream-solution

Image Of Hexact Traversing Result