
MediRepo API helps Hospitals with Daily Medical Reports - for COVID19 patients with restricted visits

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT


Elixir/Phoenix API for Daily Medical Reports

Making communication easier for Hospitals and Patients' Families

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MediRepo is an Elixir/Phoenix API designed to facilitate communication between hospitals and patients' families by sharing Daily Medical Reports. In the midst of COVID-19 restrictions on hospital visits, this project aims to bridge the gap and provide essential medical information to concerned families.

Front End

For the corresponding front-end (React) repository, visit: MediRepo Web Repository

Live Demo

Experience the live demo application by visiting: MediRepo Demo

How to Use MediRepo

For Hospitals

API Documentation

Access our comprehensive API documentation on Postman: Postman Documentation

  1. Create a hospital account using our API.
  2. Utilize our endpoint to submit daily medical bulletins.
  3. Share the Patient Code and Attendance Code (password) with the patient's family.

By using the same Patient Code and Attendance Code, only the latest medical report will be shared automatically. Integrate MediRepo API with your main application to streamline medical report submission, or use the web application for manual bulletin creation and editing.

For Patients' Families

  1. Access the user-friendly interface of MediRepo Web to view medical reports.

Local Setup Guide

  1. Fork the project and clone it to your local computer:
git clone git@github.com:<your-user-name>/medirepo.git
  1. Install required libraries (refer to .tool-versions file for version specifications):
mix deps.get
  1. Ensure that Postgres is running.

  2. Set up the database:

mix ecto.setup
  1. Use the .env-sample file to create your environment variables. Configure your SMTP server username and password. If you don't have an SMTP server, you can create one with any name. In the development environment, you can access sent emails using Bamboo viewer (localhost:4000/sent_emails).

  2. Run the project:

iex -S mix phx.server


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You can contribute to this project including:

  • new features;
  • architectural improvements;
  • searching bugs;
  • adding test coverage;
  • starring the project ⭐

Feel free to contribute!


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Bulletin Example


If you have any feedback, please reach out to me at andrgab@gmail.com


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