Jupyterlab Daisy Extension

This Jupyterlab extension allows you to obtain suggestions for related tables by selecting some text representing a table name and then clicking the corresponding button on the UI. A sidebar will open with table name suggestions obtained from Daisy, which you can click to instantly replace the selected table name.

Requires Daisy running in the background.

Installation instructions

  1. Go to the releases
  2. Under the latest release, download the wheel (.whl file) that is attached to it (usually named something like jupyterlab_daisy-#.#.#-py3-none-any.whl)
  3. Execute pip install <location of downloaded wheel> while your desired jupyter/conda environment is active
  4. Then start Jupyter Lab in that environment, or if it was already running, refresh the browser window


Setting up the development environment is largely based on the Jupyterlab extension tutorial, so follow that for the initial setup (until but not including "Create a repository").

You may use jlpm run watch in the root folder to watch/compile on the fly. Then, just make sure you open Jupyterlab (jupyter lab) in the conda environment that you use for development, and you should be set!

NOTE: Building the wheel for the extension on Windows does not work, an issue was made for this: jupyterlab/jupyterlab#12725