{- A polynomial model of a Martin-Löf type theory. Based on: - https://www.repository.cam.ac.uk/handle/1810/254394 - https://gist.github.com/bobatkey/0d1f04057939905d35699f1b1c323736 The model supports the negation of function extensionality, together with the eta rule for functions and a wealth of type formers. So this is a nice formalization of the unprovability of function extensionality in a reasonably feature-rich type theory. As a bonus, there's also a game-semantic generalization of the polynomial model. The formalization for this is not complete, I include operations but skip the equations. This project was checked with Agda 2.6.2 with standard library 1.6. Metatheory: - We use funext and UIP. - We use Agda's native Level to model universe levels. This is convenient because we get the built-in level solving for free. We could also use a deeper inductive-recursive embedding, but I don't think there's much benefit to that here. -} module README where -- A bundle of imports and lemmas. Lemmas are mostly about shuffling transports -- and properties of the binary sum type, which is prominently used in the model. open import Lib open import CwF -- category-with-families open import Pi open import Sigma open import Univ -- countable hierarchy of Coquand-style universes open import Nat open import Identity open import Unit open import Empty open import Bool open import NoFunExt -- refutation of function extensionality open import Games -- game semantics
A polynomial model of a Martin-Löf type theory + a bit of game semantics