
All examples in this repository are for you to play with and to learn about the different concepts in this class. This repo is still a "living" thing. As we progress we might add more examples or make changes.


It is advised that you fork this repository so that you have your own version and can also make changes to your own repo to test different scenarios. Then clone that repo to your main machine and your second machine.

If we make changes to the repository we will notify you in the Slack #example_repo channel. See here about forking and keeping your version up to date


All examples are developed by the teaching team:

Many examples are used and adapted from Dr. Lindquist and Dr. Gary.

Others were developed by Dr. Mehlhase, David Clements and Aman Kaushik.

Running the examples

The examples should all have Gradle files. The separate folders have a Gradle project but the "inner" folders also have separate Gradle files. Please check the comments and files so you know how to run the examples.


If you find any issues or have suggestions on how to improve the repo, the Gradle files etc. feel free to let us know. We are happy to accept Pull Requests if you think you come up with something good.

Have fun

Feel free to play with these examples, the better you understand these small examples the easier your coding assignments will be.


Dr. Mehlhase