
Portfolio Project Site for North Idaho College GDES 2019

Primary LanguageHTML


Getting Started

1. Setting up Accounts

  1. Create github accounts
  2. send me your usernames so I can add you to the collaborators list

2. Github App

  1. Download & Install Github Desktop App
  2. set up default cli and editor File>Options>Advanced

3. Checking Dependencies

  1. Using Your Terminal on mac or git bash on pc
  2. check if git is installed git --version if not install git
  3. check if node is installed node --version or npm --version Install node.js

4. Initial Build Process

  1. Change branch to dev
  • in the github desktop app, clickcurrent branch then select dev from the dropdown
  1. Clone Repository
  2. Open CLI at dscvr/src/ or using Github ctrl + ` then cd src
  3. enter npm install
  4. enternpm run build
  5. Using Github cmd + shift + A Repository>Open in Editor Name

note: --watch is no longer required as it is now integrated in the build script

once your editor of choice is open you are ready to work on the project.

5. Verify Functionality

Once you've followed the Steps, verify if it worked by Viewing the Demo The result should look colorful and obviously styled.

Note: if either this page or the demo page look un-styled. that means you have not run your build yet or there is an issue preventing the build

6. Working on the project

  1. Open github Desktop and open terminal
  2. In terminal Enter cd src to move to development folder
  3. enter npm run build -Note --watch is no longer required as it is now integrated into the build script
  4. leave the terminal open while working

7. Checking Out Branches

The origin/master branch is the main production branch. most of the work will be pushed on the origin/dev branch during development. from the dev branch we will divide up work as Individual Features or Tasks. these issues/features will be worked on their own feature branches.

  1. Check the issues tab for tasks to complete, assign yourself to the task you intend to work on
  2. move to the dev branch from Github Desktop or from your code editor
  3. If Your Feature doesn't have a branch yet create one. Yo can do so in the Github Desktop Application.
  4. feature branches should be called feature/_yourfeature_
  5. switch to your code editor and in the lower corner there should be a line that says the name of the current branch.
  6. If it's correct, you're all set.

8. Completing Features

once you've completed work on an issue within a feature branch make a pull request and submit your work for code review, and the reviewer will review the changes and approve the merge. I will add more details once we've test run this a bit more.


Here is A list of links and Resources for learning more web design stuff. full list repo: Resource List Repository


[Tips for Creating great Web Forms](https://css-tricks.com/tips-for-creating-great-web-forms/




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Notable Modules in this WebPack