
Detection of propaganda or partisan allegiance in natural text.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Bias Detection in Texts

State of the art propaganda and hyperpartisan news detection with PyTorch.

Some cool plots

Attention plots: blue indicates sentence-wise attention, and red token-wise.

Example Hyperpartisan Article Example Mainstream Article
Hyperpartisan Article Mainstream Article

Getting started

On a new Python3.7 virtualenv, run:

pip install -r requirements.txt


Code used in the following papers:

Bibtex (for latest paper):

  author = {Cruz, Andr\'{e} Ferreira and Rocha, Gil and Cardoso, Henrique Lopes},
  title = {On Document Representations for Detection of Biased News Articles},
  year = {2020},
  isbn = {9781450368667},
  publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
  address = {New York, NY, USA},
  url = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3341105.3374025},
  doi = {10.1145/3341105.3374025},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 35th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing},
  pages = {892–899},
  numpages = {8},
  keywords = {deep learning, bias detection, hyperpartisan news, document representation, natural language processing},
  location = {Brno, Czech Republic},
  series = {SAC ’20}


  • train_nn.py
usage: train_nn.py [-h] [--news-dir DIR_PATH] [--ground-truth-dir DIR_PATH]
                   [--val-news-dir DIR_PATH] [--val-ground-truth-dir DIR_PATH]
                   [--test-news-dir DIR_PATH]
                   [--test-ground-truth-dir DIR_PATH] [--tensor-dataset PATH]
                   [--granularity {token,sentence,document,tokens_grouped_by_sentence}]
                   [--max-seq-len N] [--max-sent-len N]
                   [--embeddings-matrix-path EMBEDDINGS_MATRIX_PATH]
                   [--word2index-path WORD2INDEX_PATH]
                   [--embeddings-path EMBEDDINGS_PATH]
                   [--dataloader-workers N] [--epochs N] [--batch-size N]
                   [--learning-rate LR] [--seed N] [--resume PATH]
                   [--hidden-dim N] [--test-percentage TEST_PERCENTAGE]
                   [--reduce-lr-patience REDUCE_LR_PATIENCE] [--freeze FREEZE]
                   [--k-fold K] [--checkpoint-dir CHECKPOINT_DIR]
                   [--print-freq N] [--validate-every N]
                   [--checkpoint-every N]

positional arguments:
  name                  Model's name

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --news-dir DIR_PATH, --train-news-dir DIR_PATH
                        Hyperpartisan news XML directory (TRAIN)
  --ground-truth-dir DIR_PATH, --train-ground-truth-dir DIR_PATH
                        Ground truth XML directory (TRAIN)
  --val-news-dir DIR_PATH
                        Hyperpartisan news XML directory (VALIDATION)
  --val-ground-truth-dir DIR_PATH
                        Ground truth XML directory (VALIDATION)
  --test-news-dir DIR_PATH
                        Hyperpartisan news XML directory (TEST)
  --test-ground-truth-dir DIR_PATH
                        Ground truth XML directory (TEST)
  --tensor-dataset PATH
                        Path to a previously serialized dataset
  --granularity {token,sentence,document,tokens_grouped_by_sentence}
                        Granularity of embeddings in dataset
  --max-seq-len N       Maximum tokens to use for training (cutoff)
  --max-sent-len N      Maximum number of tokens in each sentence (cutoff)
  --embeddings-matrix-path EMBEDDINGS_MATRIX_PATH
                        Path to pre-generated embeddings matrix (needs
  --word2index-path WORD2INDEX_PATH
                        Path to word-to-index mapping (corresponding to the
                        given embeddings matrix)
  --embeddings-path EMBEDDINGS_PATH
                        Path to pre-trained embeddings
  --dataloader-workers N
                        Number of workers to use for pytorch's Dataloader (0
                        means using main thread)
  --epochs N            Number of epochs to train for
  --batch-size N        Number of samples per batch (for training)
  --learning-rate LR    Number of epochs to train for
  --seed N              Random seed for initializing training
  --resume PATH         Resume training from the given checkpoint (default:
  --hidden-dim N        Value for miscellaneous hidden dimensions
  --test-percentage TEST_PERCENTAGE
                        Percentage of samples to use for testing
  --reduce-lr-patience REDUCE_LR_PATIENCE
                        Number of non-improving epochs before reducing LR
  --freeze FREEZE       Indices of layers/sub-modules to freeze
  --k-fold K            Number of fold to use if using k-fold cross-validation
  --checkpoint-dir CHECKPOINT_DIR
                        Directory for saving model checkpoints
  --print-freq N        Frequency of epochs for printing train statistics
  --validate-every N    Frequency of evaluation on validation dataset (in
  --checkpoint-every N  Checkpoint frequency (in epochs)

  • serialize_pytorch_dataset.py
usage: serialize_pytorch_dataset.py [-h] --news-dir DIR_PATH
                                    [--ground-truth-dir DIR_PATH] --save-path
                                    PATH [--batch-size N]
                                    [--granularity {token,sentence,document,tokens_grouped_by_sentence}]
                                    [--max-seq-len N] [--max-sent-len N]
                                    [--embeddings-matrix-path EMBEDDINGS_MATRIX_PATH]
                                    [--word2index-path WORD2INDEX_PATH]
                                    [--embeddings-path EMBEDDINGS_PATH]
                                    [--dataloader-workers N]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --news-dir DIR_PATH   Hyperpartisan news XML directory
  --ground-truth-dir DIR_PATH
                        Ground truth XML directory
  --save-path PATH      File path to save dataset on
  --batch-size N        Number of samples per batch (for training)
  --granularity {token,sentence,document,tokens_grouped_by_sentence}
                        Granularity of embeddings in dataset
  --max-seq-len N       Maximum tokens to use for training (cutoff)
  --max-sent-len N      Maximum number of tokens in each sentence (cutoff)
  --embeddings-matrix-path EMBEDDINGS_MATRIX_PATH
                        Path to pre-generated embeddings matrix (needs
  --word2index-path WORD2INDEX_PATH
                        Path to word-to-index mapping (corresponding to the
                        given embeddings matrix)
  --embeddings-path EMBEDDINGS_PATH
                        Path to pre-trained embeddings
  --dataloader-workers N
                        Number of workers to use for pytorch's Dataloader (0
                        means using main thread)
  • generate_token_embeddings.py
usage: generate_token_embeddings.py [-h] --articles-dir ARTICLES_DIR
                                    --embeddings-path EMBEDDINGS_PATH
                                    [--save-dir SAVE_DIR]
                                    [--base-name BASE_NAME]
generate_token_embeddings.py: error: the following arguments are required: --articles-dir, --embeddings-path
  • evaluate_nn.py
usage: evaluate_nn.py [-h] --input-dir DIR_PATH [--output-dir DIR_PATH]
                      [--granularity {token,sentence,document,tokens_grouped_by_sentence}]
                      [--max-seq-len N] [--max-sent-len N]
                      [--embeddings-matrix-path EMBEDDINGS_MATRIX_PATH]
                      [--word2index-path WORD2INDEX_PATH]
                      [--embeddings-path EMBEDDINGS_PATH]
                      [--dataloader-workers N] [--model-path PATH]
                      [--batch-size N]
evaluate_nn.py: error: the following arguments are required: --input-dir

  • train_kfold.py

Scripts from the old sk-learn model

  • generate_dataset.py
  • grid_search.py
  • evaluate.py
  • train.py