
Challenge involving REST api implementation and testing

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Loan Applications API

REST API for integration with loan application frontends built by client IT departments.

Getting Started


This API requires the following dependencies be installed.

Assuming those are installed, you can install the remaining python package dependencies by going into this directory in your terminal and typing the following:

pip install -r pip-requirements.txt

Running the API

In order to get the API up and running type the following line in your terminal:

python rest_api.py

In a new window, type:


You can now use the API to do loan applications!

Using the API

You can POST, GET, PATCH or DELETE with this API.

POST example

Applications must have the following types and keys. Anything that does not have the correct types or keys is considered invalid.

  "age": <int>,
  "income": <float>,
  "employed": <boolean>

To POST an application, use the /loanapp route. Here's an example using localhost:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"age": 22, "income": 27000,"employed": true}' http://localhost:5000/loanapp

GET example

Having an id, you can GET the application by using the /loanapp/specialid route. Here's an example:

curl http://localhost:5000/loanapp/592e8baecf1a4804851e0c82

PATCH example

Updates must have the following types and keys. Anything that does not have the correct types or keys is considered invalid.

  "age": <int>

If you wish to update an age of an applicant in the database, you can send a PATCH to the /loanapp/specialid route. Here's an example:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PATCH -d '{"age": 23}' http://localhost:5000/loanapp/592e8baecf1a4804851e0c82

The API will return a JSON response telling you if the PATCH was successful.

DELETE example

Finally, to remove an application from the database, just send a DELETE to the /loanapp/specialid route. Here's an example:

curl -X DELETE http://localhost:5000/loanapp/592e8baecf1a4804851e0c82

The API will return a JSON response telling you if the DELETE was successful.


The testing script of this API can be found in the directory /features/steps/. In order to test the API, just run:
