so_long is a simple 2D game where the player controls a character that must collect items and avoid enemies in order to progress through a series of levels. The game is written in C and uses the MLX42 library for graphics.
To run so_long, you will need to have the MLX42 library installed on your system. You can then compile the game using the Makefile provided in the game directory. Once compiled, run the game using the command ./so_long [map_path]
or use make play
In so_long, the player controls a character that must navigate through a maze-like environment in order to collect all the required items and reach the exit. Along the way, the player must avoid enemies that move around the map and try to block the player's progress.
so_long was developed as a student project at 42, a coding school. The project was completed over the course of several weeks and involved implementing various game mechanics, such as collision detection and enemy AI.
This so_long was created by Andre Gomes. The game was developed using the MLX42 library that can be found in