
The Habit Tracker is a comprehensive web application designed to help users establish and monitor their daily habits effectively. It also incorporates secure storage for personal information and provides a seamless user experience.

Registration Screen

Login Screen

Habits Screen

Create Habits

All habits

Today Screen

History Screen

Try it out now in front-end at

About this Project

The Habit Tracker is a web application developed to assist users in establishing and tracking daily habits. The application offers the following pages and functionalities:

  • Login Screen (/)

    • Users can log in by entering their email and password, which are sent to the API.
    • During the login process, the email and password fields, as well as the login button, are disabled to prevent duplicate actions. A loading animation is displayed during this period.
    • Users also have the option to register by clicking on a link that redirects them to the /register route.
  • Registration Screen (/cadastro)

    • Users can register by entering the required data, which is sent to the API.
    • During the registration process, the fields and the button are disabled, and a loading animation is displayed.
    • In case of a successful registration, users are redirected back to the login route (/).
  • Top and Menu

    • The top and menu of the application have a fixed position to facilitate navigation.
    • The user's photo is displayed at the top.
    • The menu offers three buttons that redirect users to the /habitos, /hoje, and /historico routes.
    • The "Today" button displays a circular progress bar indicating the percentage of completion of users daily habits. This percentage is automatically updated as habits are completed.
  • Habits Screen (/habitos)

    • Users habits are loaded on screen.
    • Users can delete a habit after confirming the action.
    • If they have no habits registered, an appropriate message is displayed.
    • Users can add a new habit by clicking the "+" button.
    • A habit registration form is displayed, where users enter the habit's name and select the days of the week to perform it.
  • Today Screen (/hoje)

    • Users' habits for the current day are loaded.
    • The screen's title displays the current date.
    • The subtitle displays a phrase based on the user's progress.
    • Users can mark or unmark a habit as completed.
  • History Screen (/historico)

    • Will be the next step to be done in the project.


This project represents a significant achievement for me, given its comprehensiveness. It encompasses a full-fledged structure in React, a highly relevant and powerful technology. This endeavor has provided me with a deep understanding of this technology and the ability to create a robust web application.

What truly sets this project apart are its well-crafted features and the intricacies of development. Notably, it goes beyond the basics, offering a wide range of functionalities and details that add depth and complexity to the application.

In summary, this project has provided me with a learning experience, allowing me to deepen my knowledge in React, understand the nuances of web application development, and navigate the complexities of implementing features and logic within the context of a React application.


The following badges are the tools and technologies used in the construction of the project:

  • React

  • Axios

  • Styled-components

  • React Router

  • dayjs

  • React Circular Progressbar

  • React Loader Spinner

How to run for development

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Install all dependencies
npm i
  1. Populate .env file based on .env.example. REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL should point to the API server

  2. Run the front-end in a development environment:

npm run start

Building and starting for production

npm run build
npm start


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This project is MIT licensed.