ember-responsive is an ember-cli addon that give you a simple, Ember-aware way of dealing with media queries.
All you need to do is tell it your application's breakpoints and it'll expose the rest for you. Here is an interactive demo
ember-responsive needs window.matchMedia() to function, which isn't available in all browsers. Compatibility matrix
There is a polyfill by Paul Irish called matchMedia.js that will add support to older browsers
This is an ember-cli addon so, so all you need to do is
ember install ember-responsive
After that, simply register the breakpoints that are pertinent to your application in app/breakpoints.js
export default {
mobile: '(max-width: 768px)',
tablet: '(min-width: 769px) and (max-width: 992px)',
desktop: '(min-width: 993px) and (max-width: 1200px)',
jumbo: '(min-width: 1201px)'
This default config has already been provided for you. If you wish to change the values or add new ones,
simply create a new app/breakpoints.js
in your project and export your chosen config.
You can then query those breakpoints in your controllers, components, routes, and views:
this.get('media.isMobile'); // => true
Obviously, these properties also propagate to templates:
You should also bind the list of active media queries to your app's rootElement. This means you won't have to deal with complicated media queries in CSS, instead simply use classes to style the different devices.
In your application.hbs template:
By default, this addon will generate an initializer in app/initializers/responsive.js
that injects the media service app-wide. If the media
property conflicts with other addons or you wish to use manual injection (Ember.service.inject
) you can override this file.
When updating this addon, make sure to run the generate command. Choose no
to overriding existing files, unless you want the defaults. This command has to be run when updating to 2.x if your application relies on automatic injection. Because as of version 1.2.9, the addon will generate an initializer to allow users to customize injection.
ember g ember-responsive
This project provides several testing helpers to assist in testing content specific to different breakpoints.
This project provides an acceptance testing helper to assist in testing content specific to different breakpoints.
To use the setBreakpoint
helper in an acceptance test:
test('example test', function(assert) {
andThen(function() {
// assert something specific to mobile
The default breakpoint for testing defaults to desktop
. You can modify this
by changing _defaultBreakpoint
in tests/helpers/responsive.js
Since the entire application isn't spun up for an integration tests, the setBreakpoint
acceptance test helper won't work. In this case, you'll need to use the
To use the setBreakpointForIntegrationTest
helper in an integration test:
import { moduleForComponent, test } from 'ember-qunit';
import hbs from 'htmlbars-inline-precompile';
import { setBreakpointForIntegrationTest } from 'your-app-name/tests/helpers/responsive';
moduleForComponent('foo-bar', 'Integration | Component | foo bar', {
integration: true
test('it renders', function(assert) {
setBreakpointForIntegrationTest(this, 'mobile');
this.render(hbs`{{foo-bar media=media}}`); // IMPORTANT: you must pass the media service
// assert something specific to mobile
To run the tests, after cloning do:
npm install
bower install
npm test
This library is lovingly brought to you by the FreshBooks developers. We've released it under the MIT license.