
Results of the paper "Object Contour and Edge Detection with RefineContourNet"



RefineContourNet (RCN) is an Object Contour and Edge Detector. This is the test code and the best results of the paper Object Contour and Edge Detection with RefineContourNet; CAIP 2018

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-29888-3_20

To test the RCN - please download refinenet-contour-master

  • compile and setup the included MatConvNet-files (same procedure like for RefineNet [https://github.com/guosheng/refinenet])
  • run the file demo_test_simple_voc_contour_tiff.m with MATLAB
  • choose in this m-file the trained model for either Object Contour Detection or Edge Detection

Best RCN-results:

  • RCNVOC_NMS_results_on_BSDS500_val
  • RCNVOC_results_on_BSDS500_val
  • RCN_NMS_results_on_PASCAL_val
  • RCN_results_on_PASCAL_val