An application to search an list GitHub repositories, built following the course GoStack Starter by Rocketseat.

What I Learned

  • Package management with Yarn;
  • Set up development environment with Babel Presets;
  • Set up scripts to use with Yarn;
  • Transpile ES6+ to older versions with Babel;
  • Classes, constructors and static methods in ES6;
  • Scope of variables (var, const, let);
  • Mutation in const variables;
  • Array operations (map, reduce, filter, find);
  • Arrow functions;
  • Object destructuring;
  • Rest and Spread operators in functions, arrays and objects;
  • Template literals
  • Object short syntax;
  • Configure Webapack;
  • Import e export modules;
  • Async await;
  • Axios;