
Frontend repository of the fullstack project ChallengeFront that simulates Instagram operations such as register an account, login and on dashboard join and unjoin contacts.

Primary LanguageJavaScript




The project ChallengeFront is a fullstack simulation of operations on Instagram, with user register, login and dashboard access with the possibility to join and unjoin contacts. Mobile responsive.

This project uses the language Javascript and its library React .

The backend repository uses the fakeAPI JSON-Server available here.

Check out how the application behaves in this link.


0. It is first necessary to have instaled the following devices:

  • The code versioning Git.

  • The virtual environment Node. Version 16th used.

  • Its version manager NVM.

  • The package manager Yarn.

  • A code editor, also known as IDE. For instance, Visual Studio Code (VSCode) that is going to be used here.

  • And versioning your directory to receive the aplication clone:

git init

1. Clone the repository ChallengeFront by your machine terminal or by the IDE's:

git clone https://github.com/AndreKuratomi/ChallengeFront.git


Obs: In case of any mistake similar to this one:

unable to access 'https://github.com/AndreKuratomi/ChallengeFront.git/': SSL certificate problem: self-signed certificate in certificate chain

Configure git to disable SSL certification:

git config --global http.sslVerify "false"

2. After cloning the repository:

Enter the directory:

cd ChallengeFront

Install the project's dependencies:


Open the aplication with your IDE:

code .

And by the IDE's terminal run yarn to exibit the frontend:

yarn start

For the functionalities of this project work the fakeAPI JSON-Server needs to already have its server running. Check it out how here.

Obs: Because of Instagram's logo legal issues and the use of HTTP Post for register and login the application's vercel link is unabled to be used by the browser. So it is only possible to run the application by running it locally.


Obs: Inside the project's 'src/' directory there is a folder called 'references/' that contain images and links used to inspire this humble project.

Terms of use

This project is exclusively for didatic purposes and has no commercial intent.