- Neofetch - Information Panel
- Polybar - Top Bar
- Neovim - Notepad
- Picom - Transparency and Round Borders
- Alacritty - Terminal
The file .zshrc contains the alias for shortcuts
- Lualine - Neovim Bar
- nvim-Web-Devicons - Icons
- Nvim-Tree - Neovim Tree
- Dracula - Dracula Color Theme
- LSPConfig - Keys Configuration
- Plenary - Plenary
- Telescope - Telescope
- DejaVuSansMono Nerd Font - Font
- Symbols Nerd Font - Icons
\ + f
- Telescope Find Files
\ + r
- Telescope Live Grep
\ + \
- Telescope Buffers
\ + h
- Telescope Help Tags
\ + t
- Neovim Tree
Neovim Callouts
- vi
- neovim
- vim