
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


This repository covers the basics of OpenCV for computer vision, the code in here is based on tutorials/instructions (as well as the images) from Pieran Data (by Jose Portilla]) Udemy's course

To execute notebooks and some scripts, you just need to install Anaconda in your system, and create an environment using the opencv.yml specification provided in the repository. Be sure to decompress the .zip folder file, this is where all images are stored.

Once downloaded, lauch the Anaconda prompt and type:

conda env create -f opencv.yml

To verify environment creation:

conda env list

And should display: 'opencv' in the list.
To activate the environment:

conda activate opencv

Inside this repository run the notebooks replacing 'x' by the name:

jupyter notebook x.ipynb

Inside this repository run the scripts replacing 'x' by the name:

python x.py