
Inkscape and GIMP color palette and gradients for Rijkshuisstijl (Dutch government style guide)


The file rijksoverheid.gpl is an Inkscape and GIMP color palette for Rijksoverheid (Dutch government). Install these by copying the .gpl files to ~/.config/inkscape/palettes and ~/gimp-2.6/palettes or whatever directory is appropriate. Install gradients by copying the .ggr files to ~/gimp-2.6/gradients or whatever directory is appropriate. These gradients can be used in Inkscape via File / Import... or CTRL+i.

For more information on the colors included see Rijkshuisstijl Communicatiekleuren http://rijkshuisstijl.nl/ , NORA-beeldtaal http://www.e-overheid.nl/onderwerpen/e-overheid/architectuur/nora-familie/nora/ and ICTU http://ictu.nl/ .