
Dockerfiles to build Basilisk Docker images

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Build Basilisk Docker images

This repository contains Dockerfiles to create images of the Basilisk framework. Many of the commands come from this Github repo by sgllewellynsmith.


The images are currently based on Ubuntu 18.04. Every images in the following list suits a different purpose.

  • Dockerfile.minimal: minimal installation of Basilisk without Python interface and Bview

To build an image based on a Dockerfile, the command looks as follows:

docker build -t registry_user_name/basilisk:version-tag -f Dockerfile.version .

Note that the registry name is useful if you want to push your image to a registry like Dockerhub, but you can also omit the prefix. A concrete example to build the minimal version of Basilisk could look like:

docker build -t andreweiner/basilisk:20-11-19 -f Dockerfile.minimal .