
Detect mis-configured nodes in a real HPC system through semi-supervised autoencoders

Primary LanguagePython

Semi-supervised Autoencoder-based anomaly detection on HPC Systems

This repository contains the set of script capable to replicate parts of the work described in:

  1. "Anomaly Detection using Autoencoders in High Performance Computing Systems", Andrea Borghesi, Andrea Bartolini, Michele Lombardi, Michela Milano, Luca Benini, IAAI19 (proceedings in process) -- https://arxiv.org/abs/1902.08447
  2. "Online Anomaly Detection in HPC Systems", Andrea Borghesi, Antonio Libri, Luca Benini, Andrea Bartolini, AICAS19 (proceedings in process) -- https://arxiv.org/abs/1811.05269

Fine-grained data was collected on the D.A.V.I.D.E. HPC system (developed in joint collaboration by CINECA & E4 & University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy); the collected data refers to the period March-May 2018. The data was collected using the EXAMON framework and consists in a set of measurements coming from a variety of sources, ranging from physical sensors (such as a temperatures, voltages, power, etc.) to performance counters (IPS, CPI, core load, etc). For additional details on the supercomputer see Ahmad et al. "Design of an energy aware petaflops class high performance cluster based on power architecture", IPDPSW 2017. For a detailed description of the collected data see Bartolini et al. "The DAVIDE big-data-powered fine-grain power and performance monitoring support", International Conference on Computing Frontiers, 2018.

The data set has been used to train a autoencoder-based model to automatically detect anomalies in a semi-supervised fashion, on a real HPC system.


Requires python > 3.6 Python modules required:


  • Get source code (git clone/download)

    • destination folder: <anomaly_detection_dir>
    • cd <anomaly_detection_dir>
  • Download the training and the validation set. The data sets correspond on the measurements collected on a subset of computing nodes of D.A.V.I.D.E. supercomputer (period 2018/03/03-2018/05/31).

    • The data can be found here: https://zenodo.org/record/3251873
    • the nodes available are the following (the following node identifiers are those recognized by the anomaly detection script); in the following list, the node identifiers are separated by commas
    • davide16, davide17, davide18, davide19, davide26, davide27, davide28, davide29, davide30, davide31, davide32, davide33, davide34, davide42, davide45
  • Copy HPC data to correct folder

    • cp <data_download_dir>*.pickle <anomaly_detection_dir>/data
  • Run script and perform anomaly detection on a particular node (among those available -- check in the downloaded data)

    • python3 detect_anomalies
    • specifies the node to perform the anomaly detection
    • specifies the approach to be used; allowed values:
      • 0 -- autoencoder-based semi-supervised approach
    • e.g. python3 detect_anomalies davide18 0