a collection of yasnippet snippets for many languages
- 10
package install fails with : Failed to install yasnippet-snippets: Args out of range:
#456 opened by dinojr - 2
- 1
org-mode src snippets seems broken
#507 opened by benbellick - 2
Typos causes emacs warnings
#487 opened by prgreadonly - 4
Two issues with `python-mode` snippets
#490 opened by joostkremers - 1
SUGGESTION: Making latex-mode an org-mode parent.
#492 opened by lima-limon-inc - 1
Error in condition evaluation: Symbol’s function definition is void: js2-node-type
#486 opened by daut - 0
Indentation help with blank line
#489 opened by mkleehammer - 0
Add PR template
#377 opened by AndreaCrotti - 3
Names that Windows doesn't support
#388 opened by Armoken - 2
Adapt to Python 3.x syntax
#407 opened by ShravanTata - 6
Error: byte-code: Recursive load
#439 opened by hitswint - 1
awk snippets?
#462 opened by pablos-here - 2
[Feature Request] Support tree-sitter
#459 opened by seagle0128 - 0
[Feature Request] Support tree-sitter
#458 opened by seagle0128 - 1
Erroneous snippet for LaTeX-mode: `moderncv-cventry`
#452 opened by bertulli - 2
commentblock in emacs-lisp mode is strange
#387 opened by quazgar - 2
Tag new stable release?
#450 opened by sten0 - 0
Inconsistent indentation in rust-mode snippets
#445 opened by jpalaciosdev - 1
[clojure] test snippet triggered when typing -test for the deftest name
#438 opened by practicalli-johnny - 0
Inconsistencies with some of the `org-mode` snippets
#442 opened by zmberber - 0
Working with electric-pair-mode
#435 opened by Hamzehn - 0
issue with let snippet for emacs-lisp-mode
#430 opened by jdhao - 5
The package works correctly after I installed it but if I restart emacs no snippets is found.
#423 opened by falematte - 4
Mentioning NonGNU ELPA
#427 opened by phikal - 4
- 5
RFC: Python New Function Snippets
#383 opened by Xaldew - 6
- 2
- 0
Creating a new snippet in "org mode" seems to remove all the snippets in this collection
#422 opened by falematte - 4
org-mode, src(<src) snippet doesn't work properly
#402 opened by tttuuu888 - 0
org-mode: both the elisp and the emacs-lisp snippets have the tangle option automatically inputted
#413 opened by zmberber - 1
[bug] Indent after begin snippet in LaTeX
#408 opened by irigone - 2
Compile warnings while installing
#398 opened by jcs090218 - 0
Fix Readme Melpa Repository
#401 opened by lrpereira - 2
kotlin-mode main snippet is wrong
#394 opened by marcos-cezar - 1
#393 opened by yssource - 2
python-mode init snippet unexpected docstring
#386 opened by iliakur - 0
latex snippets conflict with cdlatex
#370 opened by CobaltSpace - 0
LaTeX: one-letter key is not a good idea
#364 opened by firmart - 2
yasnippet-snippets.el has bug
#335 opened by nicolas4d - 1
rust: pfns / fns don't create a block
#323 opened by r-darwish - 0
yasnippet-snippets.el has bug
#334 opened by nicolas4d - 2
- 0
Some of the js-mode snippets depend on js2-mode
#329 opened by qqlearn123 - 3
org mode prefers lowercase keywords now
#303 opened by memeplex - 1
Go: Use Unique key For import and var
#314 opened by sshaw - 1
Add perl's most relevant snippet?
#324 opened by equwal - 3
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